Anonymous ID: 539f7e Oct. 1, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3279682   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have been saying this since Thursday.

It was VERY clear this was always the original plan, LG even said as much to Maria on Sunday.

This is all just complete noise, the original plan to vote on Kavanaugh was never even remotely threatened.


The "delay" was just a narrative life raft that Flake tossed to Dems.

They latched onto it and are trying to use it as leverage to create an ACTUAL foothold, but their time will run out, the noise will die down, and the vote will happen this week just like it was always going to.


The best case scenario for them is the FBI investigation shows nothing new and Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Worst case is the FBI finds something, against them, and Kavanaugh is confirmed.