Anonymous ID: 697f62 Oct. 1, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3279302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9318 >>9415

RE: Trump's actual vote tally


I'm just throwing this out there for the anons and the shills (kek) to consider:


People will go to Trump rallies in ''fucking droves''. Capacity crowds. Standing room going to outside in most cases.


Nearly two years into his presidency.

Despite the full weight of the Deep State against him and his agenda.


The contemporaneous evidence shows, clearly, that Trump has the mandate of The People.


None of the puppets are capable of this organic support. The Patriots, are in full control.

Anonymous ID: 697f62 Oct. 1, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3279519   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The thing I think about, Mr Trips, is that these [traitors] have been shown to be the exact monsters [they] tried to frame Justice Kavanaugh up as.


For [them] to go through those lengths…. Actually had the effect of making me think Kavanaugh is more than likely a Gentleman and a Patriot.


Because that is how [they] project. [They] envy the strongest qualities in the same measure as the qualities' visibility, So [they] attack those qualities.


Because those qualites are absent, in [themselves].

Anonymous ID: 697f62 Oct. 1, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3279899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9960 >>9987 >>9992



When you assassinate a man's character, it has the capacity to ruin that individual's chances of going forward in a normal fashion, for anything.


Case in point:


We are here to provide factual research, because the so-called fake "Press" failed us.


Now, because of what's gone on, we have to edify people about that, too.


Some may never learn that Kav was framed up.

Some may never believe the frame up was a lie.


When you take something from a man that they love, that ''helps community'' (ie- coaching, teaching), that robs the man of something visceral.


And it sends a message to other Men who might turn away from community, seeing what happened to kav..


Hope that helped.