Anonymous ID: 89ca05 Oct. 1, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3279792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


being quite intelligent (yes, I say so myself and am gonna let some bias into this statement) I have long since arrived at the conclusion that "God" and/or "Angels" along with demons and whatever else life may aspire to be within regardless of alignment on a scale of good and evil may or may not exist. Due to my nature of independence and understanding of my own past mistakes and fortunately even the mistakes of others, whether they exist or not is not the driving factor behind the morals and empathic nature I choose to call "me", nor is any book in any language. Guiding factors are always present in a lifetime, and lessons are there to be learned from should one choose to do so. How the personal understanding of those lessons is used among a population of other members of the species as well as within nature itself and it's varieties of lifeforms relies solely upon the individual and not the perspective of others. I only required making mistakes in my lifetime to gain the understanding of what morality towards life itself should be in my own eyes due to allowing myself to be in place of those whom are subject to my presence. My actions and demeanor while accompanied are based on how I think the other person would feel were I the direct subject instead of them. What I have come to understand of "religion" has only shown me that I need only faith in myself and those around me, and patience when they don't share the same sentiments. Sure at times I falter, but admitting to my own mistakes has always taught me something new that will help the next time a similar situation were to arise. My morals, I have found, are directly aligned with those which would be considered attributes of a religion deemed worthy of salvation, for lack of better wording. I hold no ill will towards those who's beliefs and faith are there own. Claiming to be non-religious, to me, can only be seen as "evil" by those whom simply don't understand their own religion enough to understand judgement upon others by their own faith's doctrine (most, I would assume…I'm no expert) goes entirely against their own religion and the beliefs they themselves are supposed to adhere to. My 2 cents on the subject.