Anonymous ID: f59472 Oct. 1, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3279417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9706 >>9787 >>9830


Like yesterday's two bread shitshow with the 30 ppb Nazi radical baker… and his skinhead cheering squad. I don't give a fuck about his personal hatreds or shitposting frankly, but damn he sucked at baking because he was just making hate-quilts the whole time.


That and if you called him on it, you were 'pick a name'…keks All the radicals on the poles of any issue are fun to watch, but you're right…post or bake. But do both like you mean it.

Anonymous ID: f59472 Oct. 1, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.3279971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0006


Not big on the bare ones in day bread, but you've asked for it…so now you get it.


You don't define free speech for everyone else controlfag. I know you're kind…give an inch, take a mile. You just like control. You're the enemy, without the First, the rest of the constitution isn't worth a shit. If you don't like it here…piss off. Or grow up and roll up your sleeves and get in the fight.


Why don't you walk into your local bar and tell everyone how because you're a non-drinker, they need to stop and quit smoking too, because it's bad for them and you don't approve or like it.


You won't because you'd be a hamburger doormat in 10 seconds, that's why.


So you come here, where we've been wedged by other controlfags into our free speech club and you're trying to run things. GTFO!