Anonymous ID: 40253e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3280732   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Recently I came across a fairly new song by Muse called Thought Contagion. The lyrics stood out, and seemed relevant to what we are experiencing in the world today. Review the following verses…


“You've been bitten by a true believer

You've been bitten by someone who's hungrier than you

You've been bitten by a true believer

You've been bitten by someone's false beliefs

Thought contagion(*Memes?!)

Thought contagion

They'll never do what you want them to

Give it up and watch them break through

It's too late for a revolution

Brace for the final solution”


Do you believe in coincidences? The song was released February 15, 2018. NO COINCIDENCES, right? The point of me telling you this, is that something hit me when I heard this song, THIS IS TRULY NOT A GAME! When in history could it have ever been said “it’s too late for a revolution”? As most have been asleep and hoodwinked, there has been a conspiracy so deep and malicious that once finally in place, there would be no escape, humanity would truly be slaves, sheep being led to the slaughter. One last point. THIS IS IT, the time has come, we are living in it, NOW, and we must not give up the fight! So Anons, brothers, sisters, mother, fathers, all people of this great country, and the world, I appreciate everything each and everyone of you do and I give my word that I will stand with you and never back down! I love all of you, NO HOMO! Kek! If you are a believer pray to God for his grace and strength for our President, military and all the citizens of the world! God bless you all.