Anonymous ID: 6962ad Oct. 1, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.3280556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3279834 (lb)

Here's a summary of the Senate process, assuming the FBI investigation does in fact wrap up tonight:

>1) Judiciary Committee reports its recommendation to the full Senate (this happened on Friday).

>2) Senate approves a motion to proceed with at least 50+1 votes (McConnell did this with a voice vote on Friday). The full Senate is now considered to be considering the nomination.

>3) The key vote will be the "cloture" vote (to limit further debate), which requires only 50+1 votes (thanks to Harry Reid). This will likely be taken on Tuesday or Wednesday, following the conclusion of the FBI investigation.

>4) After the full Senate passes the cloture motion to limit further debate, at least 30 hours must pass. Then the final up or down vote on confirming the nomination can be held (so look for that to happen the next day after the cloture vote).