Anonymous ID: 9117a7 Oct. 1, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.3280770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3277385 (PB)

You don't have a wife and children, do you? Do you think that the SC posting is all there is to his life? The man loves basketball and coaching the girls team. He also loves volunteering with his church.


ALL of his life was smeared, not just his job prospects. I can't believe that you are on THIS board and are THAT dense.


Seriously. Women are NOT the center of our universe ... men actually think about a LOT of things that don't look like pussy. If we didn't, your cars would never get built and you'd have to walk to the mall.



Fucker just wants the discount. Well, win the coming civil war you seem intent on provoking and you can have your stinking "veterans" discount. Until then ... nope.