Anonymous ID: 14b9f2 Oct. 1, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.3281355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Polish Government has great relationship with Israel. Is Netanyahu playing along with Trump or is he going down?

"Saving Israel for last" - who does it refer to most of all in Your opinion?


Someone from Poland translated an article from last year from this site:


Is Judeopolonia being built 50km from Warsaw?


Puzzel No. 1.

In the last few years, Jewish investors, under the pretext of building an amusement park, have gathered about 600 ha of land in the Mszczonów commune together with huge geothermal water resources located there. Polish owners of plots at the instigation of local government officials with a "hand kiss" got rid of their property. A few days ago, in the small town of Wręcza, the "First Cobbles Embedding" took place. Mosze (Mooky) Greidinger, the head of the Cinema City cinema chain, spoke first on behalf of investors. He promised Poles many jobs. The next speaker was the mayor Józef Kurek. He thanked those who agreed to sell the land to the investor, Global City Holdings, and then asked the previous speaker: Dear Mr. Mooky Greidinger, for the Lord and your associates special thanks for the great determination, for the beautiful park design and for the trust in Mszczonów . Mooky, Thank you very much - Toda Raba !!! At the end of the ceremony of the sacrifice of the area of ​​the future Park of Poland was made by priest Tadeusz Przybylski.


According to the investors' announcements, Park of Poland is to cover 20 hectares of land. It is not known yet what the Jews want to do with the remaining several hundred hectares. They are mentioning hotels, houses, streets and parking lots. Does anyone in Poland have the power to tax them/make them responsible for the way of implementing these announcements? The fear that they will build anything they want on the purchased land seems justified in every respect.


Puzzel No. 2.

In November last year, Polish media revealed that the Israeli company iHLS, operating - as it is laconicly defined - in the security industry, is very close to purchasing from the Municipality of Radom shares in the Airport "Radom S.A.” A relevant letter of intent was signed. The distance between Wręcza and Radom is only one hour by car.

For the past six months the media have been silent on this matter. Has the Israeli company withdrawn from the transaction? And if so, why? In this case, the strange acceleration by the Government of the ruling party PiS of the issue of the construction of the Central Airport seems to be a strong lead. At the beginning of this year, it was confirmed by the party’s leader Jarosław Kaczyński saying bluntly: That great international airport is what we need and this is, in my opinion, a priority. Today, all signs in the sky and earth indicate that it will be … in the Mszczonów commune. Will it border with land belonging to Jewish investors? Or maybe it will be built on a part of their plots, creating an extraterritorial air highway? As if all this was not enough, a few days ago Polish Airlines LOT informed about the increase in connections with … Israel! On the other hand, Prime Minister Szydło reiterated after Kaczyński: this is a very important project, which is now a priority, and then announced that after the "may" it will reveal the name of the government's plenipotentiary for the construction of the Central Airport.

Anonymous ID: 14b9f2 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3281600   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't think connecting dalai lama to the cabal makes sense since he said refugees have no place in Europe, they should go back and rebuild their own countries.

Cabal wants to mix everybody together