Anonymous ID: 3b9b0b Oct. 1, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.3281518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here are a variety of ideas put out regarding the meaning of the fringe on the flag. The most important one from a constitutional perspective is the claim that that flag with fringe is a flag that indicates admiralty law is in effect wherever that flag is displayed, such as in a court room. If true that would mean that courts which have a fringed flag (which is almost all courts in the land) are not Constitutional courts (Article Three Courts) but Admiralty Courts where Constitutional provisions do not apply but rather Admiralty law prevails. Now take that idea and put it together with the clear reality that most of our courts are not following the Constitution as ratified by our founders, but some other form of unconstitutional law such as international law, and you can see why this idea has gained legs in the patriot community. Thus this theory would help us understand the other wise infuriating and treasonous actions of the judicial branch. So the theory claims we are under martial rule and admiralty law, some would date that from The War to Prevent Southern Independence, others from World War I or World War II; it matters not according to this theory because the end result is that today we are no longer under the Constitution but under martial law and the fringed flag is but one demonstration of that reality.

But such a theory has one gigantic problem, there has been no legal suspension of the U.S. Constitution, it is still the supreme law of the land. Even though it is violated daily in Washington D.C. and all across this land, it still is the law and can and must still be enforced by all those who take an oath to uphold it – whether military folk or politicians. So even if the above theory were true, and the quote below I believe dispels that idea, the Constitution is still the supreme law of the land even when grossly violated as it is in our day. And our duty as citizens is to educate an ever widening circle of Americans on the true meaning of our Constitution so that we can restore the Republic. I think the Admiralty law theory brings despair and hopelessness to patriots who are told we have no way to restore America.