Anonymous ID: 76f56f Oct. 1, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.3281130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1341


>be Potus

>be under MSM attack 24/7/365 since declaring run for WH

>be at presser for YUUUGE trade deal just reached with Tacos & Maple Syrups

>be harassed 4-5 times by same MSM SJW feminist reporter trying to score Democrat political points

>be quick witted & seize on "I'm not thinking" by replying "That's Ok You never do"

>be subjected to the standard triggered Feminist offended response-- "Excuse ME?" (sorry can't insert adequate emoji to describe her tone of voice here)

>be fully aware that "Kavanaugh Hearing" questions & any reply you give will be used to generate next 4 am MockingBird talking point-"POTUS misogyny on full display" (screencap this)

>be aware that this is all distract, divert, divide & destroy tactics to keep the Left in a constant state of TDS

>be assertive & firm when a "reporter" again tries to take over presser with stupid leading questions

>be confident enough to show her palm up "talk to the hand" body language & tell her "You've had enough" with delicious double entendre which goes over her head

>be absolutely on point when questioned about "who are compromised Senators you mentioned" & reply "I'm gonna be like everyone else & write a book; I'm not giving it to you"

>be the Ultimate Chad & best Potus ever, hands down

pics related for memes