Anonymous ID: 91d36f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.3281485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Battle for Red October: who will get the largest plant of special steels.

Quite the Article here and seems to have a LOT of answers contained in it.


Early on the morning of 5 April, several buses of Riot police entered the territory of the Volgograd factory “Red October”. Police took control of the inputs and outputs, and the investigation team had detention and seizure of documents. Just one day in Volgograd and Moscow were detained more than ten employees of “red October”, the source said RBC in law enforcement. According to him, almost all were released within 48 hours. The exception was the Deputy General Director of the trading house Sergey Zatsepin, who was arrested for two months, reported TASS.


Two days later, on April 7, the defendant in a criminal case of embezzlement of the credit of VTB for €65.5 million, the institution of GU MVD in Moscow on the complaint of VTB Bank became the owner of the plant Dmitry Gerasimenko. Information about presentation of charges against him is in the materials of the Dorogomilovsky court of Moscow hearing of the petition of the investigation. He Gerasimenko with the end of 2015 is in Switzerland.

