Anonymous ID: a321a6 Oct. 1, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3281097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Press Conference this morning, 01-Oct-2018


POTUS speaking unless noted:

01h21m20s Now, they started I believe on Friday, could have even been a little bit earlier than that, but they started.

01h21m32s I mean they are covering a lot of territory.

01h22m34s [1st question from unknown reporter] Will you instruct the White House Counsel Don McGahn to give the FBI free reign to whomever they feel is necessary.

01h22m42s Well, I have so instructed him and I did it again over the weekend…

01h23m10s [2nd question from unknown reporter] Should the FBI interview all three accusers.

01h23m19s Certainly I imagine they're going to interview two, the third one I don't know much about but it wouldn't bother me at all.


Key conclusions.

  1. The FBI started their 7th Kavanaugh investigation sooner Friday. How much sooner?

  2. The scope of the FBI's investigation has expanded to include the accusers and the democrats.

  3. The FBI will request interviews and conduct interviews, under oath, with the two accusers.


The question is, will both accusers agree to be questioned by the FBI?

Are these people stupid or what! What a glorious time to be alive!