Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3280837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0931 >>1034 >>1465 >>1484 >>1499

Jordan Peterson explains why dangerous people are teaching our children — and what we can do


Jordan Peterson, renowned psychology professor and best-selling author, knows that there are some dangerous people teaching our children in schools.

What did he say?


In a video for Prager U, Peterson describes exactly what’s happening with teachers, administrators, and students in today’s society and explains that some teachers and professors are bent on indoctrination.


“You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people,” Peterson says. “They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology. They have made it their life’s mission to undermine Western civilization itself, which they regard as corrupt, oppressive, and patriarchal.”


Peterson goes on to say that if you’re a taxpayer, or are paying for your child’s liberal arts degree, you’re underwriting a “gang of nihilists.”


“You’re supporting ideologues who claim that all truth is subjective,” he adds. “That all sex differences are socially constructed, and that Western imperialism is the sole source of all third-world problems. They are the post-modernists, pushing progressive activism at a college near you.”


“They are the groups that violently shut down college campus speakers,” Peterson continues. “The language police, who enshrine intellectual into law use of fabricated gender pronouns, and the deans whose livelihoods depend on madly rooting out discrimination where little or none exists.”


“Now,” Peterson continues, “we rack up education-related debt, not so that our children learn how to think critically, write clearly, or speak properly, but so they can model their mentor’s destructive agenda.”


Peterson later goes on to note how much education has changed over the years because of the perception of the patriarchy: “It’s now possible to complete an English degree and never encounter Shakespeare, one of those dead white males whose works underlie our society of oppression.”

What’s his suggestion on curbing it?


Peterson says that to curb this type of identity politics, it must first be understood and noted how it correlates to power struggles and Marxism.


“To understand and oppose the post-modernists, the ideas by which they orient themselves must be clearly identified,” Peterson explains, pointing to “their new unholy trinity of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”


Peterson concludes, “Post-modernism will do to America what it and the entire western world what it’s already done to its universities.”


You can watch the video in its entirety below.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3280871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1266 >>1465 >>1484 >>1499

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Hunt Prompts Anger by Comparing European Union to USSR


Jeremy Hunt, the British minister responsible for foreign affairs, has ruffled feathers by pointing out the punitive negotiations tactics increasingly employed by the European Union bear striking resemblances to another imperialistic power that at one time aspired to govern European nations, and punished harshly those who wished to leave.


Speaking at the Conservative Party conference Sunday, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office minister invoked the image of the Soviet Union’s brutal putdowns of popular uprisings in central and eastern European nations in the 20th century in a warning against the European Union’s increasingly anti-democratic response to the Brexit vote.


That Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has chosen to clothe himself in Brexiteer clothes with his attack on the EU may surprise some, given his consistent support for a Remain vote during the Brexit referendum campaign when he was health secretary.


He offered the warning to European leaders, whose behaviour towards Britain has frequently been characterised as a desire to punish the nation for wishing to leave the EU club. Mr Hunt said:


At the moment, you European friends seem to think the way to keep the club together is to punish a member who leaves. Not just with economic disruption, but even by breaking up the United Kingdom with a border down the Irish Sea.


Now, what happened to the confidence and ideals of the European dream? The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving.


The lesson from history is clear: if you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out of it won’t diminish, it will grow, and we won’t be the only prisoner that will want to escape.


Hunt, the chief of Britain’s diplomatic service, also appeared to invoke the Second World War and the Cold War, when he warned that Europe rejecting a Britain that had fought and stood against first Fascism and then Communism on the continent could have consequences.


He told Conservative members in a message clearly aimed at European leaders: “If you reject the hand of friendship offered by our Prime Minister, you turn your back on the partnership that has given Europe more security, more freedom, more prosperity, more opportunities than ever before in our history.


“The setback for the European Union will become a wholly avoidable tragedy for the European Union.”


Comparing the European Union to the presumably broadly loathed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has invited inevitable scorn from both the European leaders Jeremy Hunt may have been seeking to address, as well as European Union loyalists within the UK.


Britain’s Daily Telegraph has reported the remarks of former Civil Service chiefs of the infamously Europhile Foreign Office Lord Ricketts and Sir Simon Fraser, who called the remarks “rubbish” and a “shocking failure” respectively.


Hunt’s remarks follow similar ones by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who has compared the EU to the Soviet Union on several occasions. In 2011, Mr Farage was booed in the European Parliament when he damned the EU with faint praise when he asked whether the EU was not quite as bad as the USSR.


In 2017, he made the comparison again when he noted the EU’s ongoing punishment of former Soviet Bloc satellite states Poland and Hungary, for their refusal to toe the EU line on mass migration.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3280890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0911 >>0921 >>0930 >>1465 >>1484 >>1499

Beto O’Rourke Has Been Flagged for Campaign Finance Violations


The Federal Elections Commission seems to have found some not-too honest money in the coffers of Democratic Senate Challenger Beto O’Rourke.


According to the Daily Caller, the FEC has flagged O’Rourke’s campaign for accepting “excessive” and “impermissible” donations from individuals from outside of the country.


As Dave Levinthal of Publici notes, this isn’t necessarily uncommon for campaigns that receive large amounts of donations so quickly, but they haven’t been dealt with yet.


Now that it’s gone public, it’s likely that the O’Rourke campaign will act very quickly to correct the error. However, O’Rourke isn’t typically known for correcting errors until he’s caught, and has a history of taking money that he’s not supposed to, dating all the way back to his days as an El Paso city council member.


As the Daily Caller notes, this information was made available the night that O’Rourke was supposed to debate incumbent Ted Cruz, yet it seems that O’Rourke chose instead to make a political campaign ad on Facebook Live:


The warning from the FEC came on the same evening that O’Rourke was scheduled to debate Sen. Ted Cruz at the University of Houston. The El Paso congressman declined Cruz’s invitation to the debate, instead live streaming his repeated attempts at making a campaign ad. O’Rourke notably avoided committing to any debates against Cruz for weeks during the summer, and even bowed out of the first tentatively scheduled debate saying he was unhappy that he didn’t get a big enough say in the terms.


There seems to be a lot of shadiness surrounding O’Rourke, and choosing to monologue over a debate the night campaign finance reform violations are brought up doesn’t help the El Paso Democrat gain any credibility.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.3280944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1016





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Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.3281036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1065 >>1076 >>1156

California Sues Jeff Sessions for Failing to Uphold U.N. Refugee Gender Policy


California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed California’s 40th lawsuit against the Trump administration on Friday, claiming that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has failed to uphold the United Nations’ refugee and gender policy.


Becerra joined the District of Columbia and 17 other states in naming Attorney Jeff Sessions in a lawsuit filed in Washington, DC, federal court seeking to enjoin the U.S. Justice Department from reversing Obama administration policies and deny asylum to married women and their children that have been “victims of gender-based harm.”


Sessions issued a 31-page policy on June 11 that the United States would no longer enforce a 2014 ruling by the Immigration Appeals Board granting asylum or withholding of removal under Immigration and Nationality Act to women claiming to be victims of domestic or gang violence in their native country.


Sessions stated that prior to President Barack Obama’s 2014 initiative, asylum was only available for those who left their home country because of persecution or fear on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.


He emphasized: “An alien may suffer threats and violence in a foreign country for any number of reasons relating to her social, economic, family, or other personal circumstances. Yet the asylum statute does not provide redress for all misfortune.”


Obama drastically expanded the basis for asylum when the U.S. Department of Homeland Security made a filing during a 2014 Appeals Board hearing, stating that asylum was appropriate for social group persecuted by macho men such as “married women in Guatemala who are unable to leave their relationship.”


PBS reported that the Trump administration believes the asylum system is now “rife with abuse.” With a 300,000-case backlog taking years to resolve any case, asylum applicants usually are released on bond and often fail to show up for their hearings.


Sessions’ decision to change the policy in June was immediately binding, since the U.S. Attorney General has the right to appoint U.S. immigration court judges. Denied asylum applicants have a limited right to appeal to federal courts for review.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3281201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1465 >>1484 >>1499

Journal Admits Monsanto Role in Reviews of Glyphosate Cancer Risks


The scientific journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology has issued a rare “Expression of Concern” and requested corrections to articles it published that failed to fully disclose Monsanto’s role in reviews of glyphosate’s cancer risks.


The journal said all five articles it published in a 2016 supplemental issue titled “An Independent Review of the Carcinogenic Potential of Glyphosate” failed to include an accurate disclosure of the pesticide-maker’s involvement.


The five articles at issue were all highly critical of the 2015 finding by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is a probable human carcinogen.


“It’s deplorable that Monsanto was the puppet master behind the supposedly ‘independent’ reviews of glyphosate’s safety,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity. “These papers were manufactured as a way to counteract the World Health Organization’s findings on glyphosate’s cancer risks. They could mislead the public in dangerous ways and should be completely retracted.”


The documents revealing Monsanto’s role in the reviews came to light during a trial that culminated last month when a jury found that exposure to glyphosate products was a “substantial” contributing factor to the terminal cancer of a California groundskeeper, who was subsequently awarded $289 million in damages.


Those documents exposed that Monsanto improperly edited the articles and directly paid some of the authors a consulting fee for their work.


In an October 2017 letter to the publisher, the Center for Biological Diversity and three other national environmental health groups demanded the articles be retracted.


The Declaration of Interest statement that was originally published with the papers:


Failed to disclose that at least two panelists who authored the review worked as consultants for, and were directly paid by, Monsanto for their work on the paper;

Failed to disclose that at least one Monsanto employee extensively edited the manuscript and was adamant about retaining inflammatory language critical of the IARC assessment — against some of the authors’ wishes; the disclosure falsely stated that no Monsanto employee reviewed the manuscript.


Additionally, multiple internal emails from Monsanto indicated the pesticide maker’s willingness to ghostwrite or compile information for the authors of the reviews, dictate the scope of one of the reviews, and identify which scientists to engage or list as authors of the reviews.


In an email sent yesterday to the Center, a representative from the publisher of the articles, Taylor and Francis, wrote: “We note that, despite requests for full disclosure, the original Acknowledgements and Declaration of Interest statements provided to the journal did not fully represent the involvement of Monsanto or its employees or contractors in the authorship of the articles.”

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.3281221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Trump Advisor: If FBI Can Investigate Hillary’s Emails In A Few Days, A Week Should Be No Problem For Kavanaugh


Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo on Sunday said that one week should be plenty of time for the FBI to complete its investigation into accusations against Judge Kavanaugh given that the agency “looked at 650,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails in just 24 to 36 hours.”


“I think there is an expectation to scrutinize a Supreme Court justice nominee, of course,” said Caputo, responding to CNN host Fredricka Whitfield’s question about whether the public expects the scrutiny Kavanaugh is receiving. “They don’t expect somebody to be actually stripped down and marched around like Brett Kavanaugh was. I don’t think they expect senators to call him evil. I don’t think they expect activists to be screaming at them as they walk down the hall.”


“I don’t think anything about this is normal at all,” he added. “I’ve gotta tell you when he is confirmed — and I think he will be — we don’t know what is going to come out of the FBI investigation. I think it’ll be over in a week. We have been hearing for a week about how Clarence Thomas’s only took three days and we all know the FBI looked at 650,000 of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails in just 24 to 36 hours. So, it’ll just take a week.”


Caputo then expressed concern about potential talk about riots coming from “social media accounts associated with Black Lives Matter.”

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.3281242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1465 >>1484 >>1499

Obama Endorses Socialist Ocasio-Cortez


Former President Barack Obama included support for New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a slew of new endorsements for the midterm elections announced Monday.


Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary against incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in June in an upset that shook the party establishment.


A dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Ocasio-Cortez’s victory signaled a sharp shift to the left among the Democratic Party base.


Despite her war against the party’s establishment, Ocasio-Cortez still earned Obama’s blessings.


“The Democratic Party has always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we lead with conviction, principle, and bold, new ideas. Our incredible array of candidates up and down the ticket, all across the country, make up a movement of citizens who are younger, more diverse, more female than ever before,” said President Obama in a statement. “They’re Americans who aren’t just running against something, but for something. They’re running to expand opportunity and restore the honor and compassion that should be the essence of public service. I’m proud to endorse so many of them today, and I’m eager to continue making the case for why they deserve our votes this November.”


Obama’s new round of endorsements signal his eagerness to dive into the upcoming elections. Since September, Obama has campaigned for candidates in Illinois, Ohio, California and Pennsylvania.


A spokesman for the Republican National Committee responded to Obama’s endorsement in an email to The Daily Caller.


“President Obama oversaw slowest economic recovery in modern history and it cost Democrats more than 1,000 seats. By tying these candidates to his failed economic policies, he’s helping ensure they suffer the same fate,” said Michael Ahrens.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.3281299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sparing Rod: Unpacking the Trump-Rosenstein Relationship


After a postponement last week, it is not clear whether President Trump and Rod Rosenstein will meet anytime soon to come to grips with allegations that the deputy attorney general had considered wearing a wire to record Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.


Republican sources who spoke with RealClearInvestigations described Rosenstein as an existential threat to Trump’s presidency through his authority over special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The problem, says one congressional source, “is that firing him may give Mueller the pretext to build an obstruction case.”


Thus it appears that Trump has chosen to keep Rosenstein on board at least for the time being rather than jettison him and risk chaos so close to the midterm elections in November. On top of that, the 11th-hour FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh further complicates the strained interdependence of the two men.


Although Trump seems to hold all the cards, sources say Rosenstein knows how to take advantage of the president’s political inexperience. A careful assessment of Rosenstein’s actions — and the paperwork supporting them — shows evidence of shrewd bureaucratic calculation.


It was Rosenstein, for example, who convinced the president last week to defy the wishes of his political allies and delay plans to declassify documents concerning the FBI’s Russia probe. “Rosenstein warned that it would endanger ‘sources and methods,’” a senior U.S. official told RealClearInvestigations.


Senior officials say that Rosenstein’s overarching aim is to protect the Department of Justice, where, after a brief stint clerking, he’s worked since graduating from Harvard Law School in 1989.


Rosenstein is an “institutionalist,” one congressional investigator told RCI. “His calling is to defend the interests of the institution he’s served for most of his adult life.”


That has not been easy, with the DOJ shaken by abuses and possible crimes whose full exposure could end Mueller’s investigation and vindicate Trump. These were committed by senior leaders during the FBI’s investigations of Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia.


Several senior officials have been fired, or reassigned, or resigned under a cloud. Former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe is facing a grand jury. Peter Strzok, the FBI’s lead agent on the Clinton email probe as well as its Trump investigation, was fired, and his paramour Lisa Page, McCabe’s legal counsel, left the bureau. Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official who funneled Clinton-financed opposition research that his wife, Nellie, helped compile into the Trump Russia probe, has been demoted twice.


Rosenstein was not directly involved in either the Clinton probe or the early phase of the Trump investigation. But he inherited the latter in the spring of 2017. After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey – relying in part on Rosenstein’s recommendation – Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel to investigate possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Clinton investigation returned to the spotlight in June of 2018 when the DOJ’s inspector general issued a report raising questions about the handling of that probe.

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3281311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump, pressed on Kavanaugh, tries to turn tables on ‘holier than thou’ Dems


President Trump on Monday sought to turn the tables on Senate Democrats acting “holier-than-thou” over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's drinking and behavior in school, saying many of them “are not angels” themselves.


“I watched the senators on the Democrat side and I thought it was a disgrace,” Trump said of last week’s hearing with Kavanaugh over allegations of sexual assault. “And partially because I know them. I know them too well. And you know what? They are not angels.”


Taking questions in the Rose Garden during a press conference on the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, the president cryptically referenced one senator “on the other side who is pretty aggressive.”


“I’ve seen that person in very bad situations,” Trump said. “Okay? I have seen that person in very, very bad situations. Somewhat compromising.”


Pressed by a reporter, the president wouldn’t clarify to whom he was referring.


“I think I will save it for a book like everybody else,” Trump said.


But Trump did fire back at several specific Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee who aggressively questioned Kavanaugh over the allegations, which the nominee denies.


He took aim at Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who battled accusations during his 2010 Senate race that he falsely claimed to have served in the Vietnam War.


Trump added: “And now he’s up there talking like he’s holier-than-thou.”


Trump also singled out New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, who once wrote a newspaper column admitting to groping a friend without her consent in high school. Trump on Monday referred to those “statements” about what Booker “was doing” in school.


“Take a look at Cory Booker,” Trump said, adding, “And now he is talking about Judge Kavanaugh?”


Booker's office recently pushed back on criticism over that column, noting it was meant to condemn a culture that encourages young men to take advantage of women.


The president also criticized Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, for sitting on the allegations against Kavanaugh for months before turning them over to the FBI. He then speculated that Feinstein “leaked” the allegations to the media – something the Democrat has repeatedly denied.


“She probably leaked it. But, you know, who am I to say? But she probably leaked it, based on her very bad body language the other day,” he said.


Monday’s Rose Garden press conference was tense at times, as the president repeatedly shot down reporters who tried to ask about Kavanaugh while he was still discussing the new trade deal with Canada and Mexico.


"She's shocked that I picked on her,” Trump said of one reporter. “She's like in a state of shock."


Eventually, Trump moved on from his comments on trade, opening up the floodgates for questions on Kavanaugh.


The president, asked about the FBI supplemental probe ordered last week into Kavanaugh’s behavior, said he wants the FBI to do a “very comprehensive investigation” but “with that being said, I'd like it to go quickly."


The president also said he’s fine with the FBI interviewing all of Kavanaugh’s accusers, including Julie Swetnick, who is represented by Democratic attorney Michael Avenatti. Swetnick’s claim – that Kavanaugh was present for "gang rapes" and rape "trains" in the 1980s – has faced skepticism from some on Capitol Hill. During Thursday’s hearing, Kavanaugh called the "Swetnick thing” a “joke” and a “farce.”


Meanwhile, a senior Senate GOP source told Fox News they were told the Kavanaugh FBI probe could be completed by Tuesday. The GOP leadership is hoping the FBI report will push Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska – all seen as swing votes – to vote yes on the nomination.


In a light-hearted moment, the president referenced his own teetotaler practices, and said, “I'm not a drinker. I can honestly say I've never had a beer in my life. Okay? It's one of my only good traits.”


He added, “Can you imagine if I had? What a mess I would be? I would be the world's worst. But I never drink.”


He also drew laughter when he said many people in Washington could have skeletons in their closet – except his vice president.


“Except for Mike Pence, by the way,” Trump said. “If we find one on him, that will be the greatest shock of all time.”

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.3281342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flake Admits He Wouldn't Have Sabotaged Kavanaugh Confirmation If He Wasn't Retiring


Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) admitted Sunday night on 60 Minutes that he wouldn't have thrown the Kavanaugh confirmation into disarray if he was running for office again.


The retiring Senator demanded an FBI investigation into 11th hour claims by several women that the Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted them, despite the fact that the accusers have foggy memories and dubious, uncorroborated accounts.


When asked if he would have asked for the new probe if he were up for reelection in the November midterms, Flake responded: "Not a chance," adding "There's no value in reaching across the aisle… there's no currency for that anymore. There's no incentive."


After failing to convince the Judiciary Committee to abstain from voting pending an FBI investigation, he insisted that he would vote "no" on the full Senate floor - and was joined by Alaska GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski - one day after she was seen being badgered in a hallways by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).


Flake and Murkowski's gambit meant that the Senate wouldn't have the majority required to advance Kavanaugh.


In the meantime, the left continues to pound on Kavanaugh's record, while the FBI probe has bought time for new accusers to emerge. As we reported Sunday, with Washington in a frenzy over the FBI's probe of Judge Kavanaugh, which according to Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley would be no more than a week long and would be limited solely to “current credible allegations”, a new and potentially explosive allegation has emerged.


Late on Sunday, Charles Ludington, a former varsity basketball player and friend of Kavanaugh’s at Yale, told the Washington Post that he plans to deliver a statement to the FBI field office in Raleigh on Monday detailing violent drunken behavior by Kavanaugh in college.


Ludington, an associate professor at North Carolina State University, provided a copy of the statement to The Post.


In it, Ludington says in one instance, Kavanaugh initiated a fight that led to the arrest of a mutual friend: “When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive. On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.”


What prompted this latest last minute memory "recollection" by a peer of Kavanaugh's? According to the report, Ludington was deeply troubled by Kavanaugh appearing to blatantly mischaracterize his drinking in Senate testimony.


“I do not believe that the heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21 year old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” Ludington wrote. “However … if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences.”


The NYT also got an interview out of Ludington, and reported that Ludington said he frequently saw Judge Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption” during their student years. He said he planned to tell his story to the F.B.I. at its office in Raleigh, N.C., on Monday.


Kavanaugh told outside counsel Rachel Mitchell during the hearing that he has never "passed out" from drinking. "I’ve gone to sleep," he said. "But I’ve never blacked out, that’s the allegation. And that’s, that’s wrong."

Anonymous ID: ac4c3e Oct. 1, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.3281421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The Alleged Plot To Put NXIVM Critics In A Mexican Prison”


In case you missed it, there was an interesting article in Vice News last week about Barbara Bouchey and Kristen Keeffe.


As far as I can tell, only Barbara spoke with writer Sarah Berhman of Vice – who has written a number of articles on NXIVM and who is, in fact, writing a book on the subject for Penguin Canada.


The headline is The Alleged Plot to Put NXIVM’s Critics in a Mexican Prison.


This may not be a new story for readers of Frank Report but it’s nice to read it elsewhere and to bring the cruel plot against Bouchey, Toni Natalie, Susan Dones, and other women out into the open once again.


Had Keith Raniere had his way and if the story Keeffe tells is true [and I believe it is], Keith would have had these women falsely imprisoned in Mexico, raped, tortured and possibly murdered.


That’s the Keith Raniere I know.


Read the entire story here


The source of the original story is a recording Barbara Bouchey secretly made of a telephone conversation with Kristin Keeffe after Kristin had left NXIVM and Raniere.


A transcript of the entire conversation is available on Frank Report.


The Vice story is at least the third time Bouchey has come out publicly in recent weeks.


She went on on Megyn Kelly Today on September 13, 2018. There, she drew mixed reviews – some people feeling she was very poised and balanced and other expressing their opinion that Barbara was a little too fulsome in her praise for her former boyfriend Raniere.


She also appeared on the 7-part CBC Podcast “Escaping NXIVM” – which is about both Barbara Bouchey and her travails in NXIVM and about Sarah Edmondson – who like Bouchey managed to escape from Raniere’s reign of terror.


Both women exhibited courage in their endeavors to free themselves from the clutches of a madman, a criminal, and a monster.


If readers are inclined to criticize either, they might care to reflect on the challenges they both faced, each in their own way being up against one of the most vengeful and relentless of enemies [backed with hundreds of millions].


He is a savage – with the imprimatur of wealth and phony bullshit word salad compassion. He had a cadre of flying monkeys who would hurt you at his command. One of these was Kristen Keeffe – until she woke up and left him and then did a lot to expose the monster.


Bouchey, Edmondson, and Keeffe all escaped – prior to Raniere’s and Bronfman’s arrest. They all contributed to his fall.


For that, they each deserve praise, however imperfect their fight and their method of fighting might have been. Unless you have been in the trenches against someone like Raniere [a lunatic, psychopath with hundreds of millions at his disposal and two brainless idiot sociopaths to fund him and the son of a murderous Mexican criminal to even harm physically], you cannot know how you will react and how perfect or imperfect your fight will be.


And what scars you will carry with you for a long time if not forever…