Anonymous ID: e69eff Oct. 1, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3281110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114 >>1237 >>1420 >>1463

Observation Pt 1


The following isn't meant to suggest anything beyond my speculation and curiosity. Nor is it revealing any intel (that I am aware of). Early this morning on my normal everyday dog walk around a large municipal sports park, I spotted a group of 5 people gathered in the middle of a section of the park in discussion. Three of the women were looking down and working on ipads. Some 40 feet away was another group of three men talking in close proximity. Then one of the 3 men walked back to the larger group and spoke to the 5. The two remaining eventually approached, but the oldest one stood apart at a distance.


Given what I've been absorbed with here on Q research, you can imagine where my mind went attempting to understand who they were and what they could possibly be doing there, and what they were talking about. At first glance, considering the location and the fact that large scale Hwood filming often takes place in that park, they could have been a scouting team with a film or TV production company, doing some recon, figuring where the trailers, trucks and craft services will be set up. That of course, is the first impression a normal local would have. Nothing to see here.


But something about this bunch was unusual to me. They didn't look like most film crews. Hwood film crews have a certain look, and this group in their long pants didn't have that look. This group looked a little too clean cut with close cropped hair, or none at all. The three women had short ponytails poking through the backs of their ball caps. Honestly, my first impression was naval officers based on the countless Navy aircraft carrier flight operations videos I've been watching lately for entertainment and information. They were all dressed in normal civilian clothing, but it wasn't the usual LA style casual clothing, or film crew clothing, which often have a surfer/hipster look. It looked to me more like civilian clothing military would wear.


They also didn't move or talk like typical LA/Hwood folk. Hwood film types in a bunch that size are loud and cocky, and there's often joking, banter, and side conversations. Also, with film location recon, there's a lot of pointing and gesturing, and they also move quickly. The big film crews do remote location shooting all the time, so those in charge don't mess around. Also, normal film shoot recon is mostly handled by a small group. Often just two key people. Rarely do you see them in a large group, and there usually aren't three people working an ipad.


For as long as I watched (some 5 minutes), the conversations were information sharing, from one person to the group. The two separate groups far apart (out of earshot) also got my attention. When they joined with the larger group, the information flow went from the rejoining member to the larger group, while the oldest one circled the perimeter apart from the group in a slow deliberate fashion. Everything about it just smacked of military. And yes, even though I was quite a distance away (150 feet) they did notice me with my two dogs. Hwood types don't notice "civilian background actors."

Anonymous ID: e69eff Oct. 1, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3281114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Observation Pt2


Before Trump and Q, my thinking as a patriot was that a civil war was inevitable if libs kept up their Marxist push. I knew conservatives like me were angry, and everything inside me said we were headed toward some form of violent conflict. Something would trigger it, then all hell would break loose. I didn't doubt the outcome because of the 2nd ammendment, and the certainty that the military, police and sherrifs would back us up. I often thought of what that conflict would look like and how it woulod play out. there were plenty of videos on Youtube covering all the various scenarios of what a Red vs Blue civil war would look like, and none of the scenarios had the libs winning. Sheer geography control by patriots assured that. Those of us within lib controlled cities would band together and form a resistance to either defend ourselves, or cause mayhem from within. My own neighborhood has strong conservative numbers, including ex-military, we're armed, have broad practical skills, control sizable properties in key locations, and we have connections to the sherrif and local police.


Back to the park: I often thought that if any kind of major civil war broke out, certain sections of large cities would be baraccaded. The flow of foot and vehicle traffic would be controlled to keep the worst elements (those who would riot, kill and take over important geographical areas) contained. The region I am in is an ideal staging ground for a large scale military operation. The park itself could easily be turned into command and control. Helicopters could fly in and out. A nearby airport could handle fixed wing craft. Nearby freeways in and out of the heart of the city would be crucial for vehicle traffic. The park is also large enough to turn into a temp facility for prisoners. We're also near a hospital zone, which is very important.


I suppose any real military advance preparation in and around cities would be noticable. 10 days of darkness (10-3 stop transmission) would be the perfect time to stage and conduct an op. Tick tock?