Anonymous ID: 5652c7 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3282003   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Frens- memefags & twitterfags- Patriots in California are manning the barricades against more deep-blue-state liberal tax grabs with Prop. 6, while CA. govt. forces are pouring big money into killing this initiative. Prop 6 STOPs a new state GAS TAX that hits working families to the tune of more than $700 per year in NEW TAXES! $52 Billion over 10 years! It's war on the middle class. Let's help them push back against this cash grab. YES ON PROP 6!


Can we help them to get some traffic to their vid? they think they NEED money for TV time. Let's show them who the current media powerhouse really is.


UPDATE: The prior alert a few days ago got 12,000 hits on jutube, which is good, but not nearly enough. Sure it’s a limited target, but CA does have a lot of patriots who need to see and share this info.


Thx frens!


https ://


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