Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.3281620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1638 >>1838 >>1916 >>1999

WATCH: Flake’s Son Snaps; Drops N-Word & Points Gun At His Head in Bizarre Video of Simulated Suicide


Arizona is not sending up their best people.


Let’s take a step back to Jeff Flake’s apology to voters after his son snapped on the internet, using the N-word and waiving a pistol around during a simulated suicide.


Normally, the actions of Flake’s son Tanner would be off limits but the U.S. Senator has porpelled himself into the spotlight after his debacle last week and folks are starting to take a closer look at Flake.


That includes his parenting skills which rival his lousy skills as a lawmaker.


Let’s travel back to 2013.


You have to love the way the MSM spun this story into parenting today is really challenging so don’t blame Sen. Flake. Yeah, right.


Please don’t confuse this son with another son of Flake’s who killed 20 dogs.


There goes Father of the Year.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3281634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2250

US Sanctions over Beijing’s Purchase of Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense System, China Cancels Security Meeting with the US


The annual meeting between defense officials of both countries was scheduled for mid-October, a sign of heightened bilateral tensions.


In response to illegally imposed US sanctions on Beijing over its purchase of Russian SU-35 combat aircraft and S-400 missile defense systems,the deputy head of China’s Central Ministry Commission (CMC) summoned the US embassy’s acting military attache. He called US sanctions a breach of international rules and standards, a hegemonic action harming bilateral military relations.


Beijing recalled naval commander Shen Jinlong. He was participating in the 23rd International Seapower Symposium – co-hosted by the US Chief of Naval Operations and the White House at the US Naval War College in Newport, RI.


According to Chinese media, Beijing demands that the US “immediately redress its wrongs and withdraw related sanctions.” Huang said China’s military reserves the right to take further countermeasures.


Its National Defense Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian said


“(w)e demand the US side immediately correct its wrongdoing and withdraw the so-called sanctions. Otherwise, the US side must bear the consequences caused by this act.”


On Friday, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang summoned US Ambassador Terry Branstad, demanding the rollback of unacceptable Trump regime actions.


In his Friday General Assembly address, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed strong support for multilateralism, criticizing US policies, saying:


“What we see today is that international rules and multilateral mechanisms are under attack, and the international landscape is filled with uncertainties and destabilizing factors,” adding:


“China’s answer is clear-cut. All along, China has upheld the international order and pursued multilateralism.”


Addressing Trump’s hostile General Assembly address, he stressed that “(m)ultilateralism is under fire precisely when we need it most.” It’s vital in dealing with geopolitical challenges.


He warned that Beijing won’t be blackmailed on trade. In his UN address, Trump shamefully accused China of meddling in US November midterm elections, citing no evidence because there is none.


Yi stressed four principles:


replacing confrontation with mutual cooperation on all major issues;


upholding international rules, norms and standards, especially honoring international treaties, conventions, and other agreements;


upholding, defending and preserving fairness and justice in international affairs; and


working together to deliver real results, according to UN Charter and World Trade Organization principles.


Yi stressed that China pursues peaceful, cooperative development. He called for denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, along with fully observing and implementing the JCPOA Iran nuclear deal.


Beijing will continue defending its sovereign rights and interests, he said. It “will open still wider to the world.”


Yi claimed his country’s Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is “the largest platform for international cooperation.”


It calls for over $1 trillion in longterm investment. Chairman of China’s largest construction machinery manufacturer XCMG said


“One Belt, One Road makes our internationalization strategy like a tiger with wings added.”


It conflicts with Trump’s America First agenda, including Pompeo’s Indo-Pacific Economic Vision, announced in July to compete with China regionally.


Bilateral relations are greatly strained politically, economically and militarily, notably over Trump’s trade war.


Washington demands all other countries bend to its will, a hostile agenda risking greater war than already.


Its provocative military buildup close to Sino/Russian borders could lead to devastating confrontation. Catastrophic nuclear war is possible by accident or design.


Washington’s hell bent rage for unchallenged dominance is the greatest threat to world peace.


A Final Comment


US war secretary Mattis cancelled a China trip scheduled for later this month to meet with his counterpart General Wei Fenghe, a further sign of strained relations.


Late Sunday, an unnamed US official said the trip is off. The State Department, along with China’s defense and foreign ministries issued no comments. Nor did the US embassy in Beijing.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3281656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1784 >>1813 >>2283

Actress Ellen Barkin: Trump Should Be ‘Removed… Not Just from Office’


Actress Ellen Barkin took to Twitter on Monday and suggested that it wouldn’t be enough to remove President Donald Trump from office.


“this man should be removed…and not just from office,” Ellen Barkin said of President Trump. The Animal Kingdom star was reacting to a video that showed President Trump demanding that CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins ask questions about the newly minted trade deal between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.


President Trump insisted that Collins ask “a question about trade.” The CNN reporter repeatedly attempted to ask a question about Judge Brett Kavanaugh. President Trump later answered Collins’s Kavanaugh question. When she later attempted to ask a third question related to Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump moved on, telling her “you’ve really had enough.”


Barkin’s tweet about President Trump comes just days after she declared that she’s only interested in being around “like-minded thinkers” after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the confirmation of the Supreme Court nominee.


“Dear scum of the earth,” Barkin’s tweet began. “In case sum haven’t noticed, i am not looking to make any new friends right now,” she wrote. “i don’t care what you think, not now. let me rest. leave me alone with like-minded thinkers until i can see again.”


In 2012, Barkin made light of the untimely death of Andrew Breitbart. The actress also suggested that Breitbart’s supporters are “evil assholes.”

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3281690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785

Sen. Brian Schatz Says It’s a Crime to Lie Before the Senate – Implicates Christine Blasey Ford


Like Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono, her male equivalent senator, Brian Schatz, continues to bring great embarrassment to the Aloha State.


Sen. Schatz, like his fellow Democrats, has spent the past two weeks conjuring up plenty of pointless and paranoid objections to the confirmation of Brett Kavnaaugh to the Supreme Court. It’s truly a sight to be seen, as Democrats aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re only acting this hysterically to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation indefinitely. Whether or not Christine Blasey Ford is actually a victim is secondary to them.


Take the case of the FBI investigation of Kavanaugh Democrats have been demanding. Did anyone in their right mind actually think an FBI investigation would shut them up? Of course not. The second an FBI investigation (which would be pointless) was approved, the narrative changed from “we need an FBI investigation” to “even if the FBI exonerates Kavanaugh, it doesn’t matter.”


See this example from ultra-liberal Senator Chris Murphy.


Sen.Schatz, meanwhile, accidentally made the case that Ford could face legal penalties for her testimony. “Lying to the Senate is illegal. That’s all for now,” he wrote in a tweet. He followed that up with another: “Sorry. One more thing. It’s not like it’s ‘technically illegal’ or something. It’s legit illegal. With penalties and such. OK that’s it.”


Take a look:


He was trying to take a dig at Kavanaugh, but, seemingly, couldn’t find a single example where Kavanaugh was untruthful in his testimony. Ford’s testimony, on the other hand, was full of contradictions. She had a number of inconsistencies during her remarks.


Here is a quick summary:


When Was the Party?


In a text to The Washington Post, Ford claimed the assault happened in the “mid 1980s”

Ford told Dianne Feinstein in her July letter that the assault happened in the “early 1980s”

By September 16th, Ford narrowed down her timeframe to the “summer of 1982”


Who Heard Who?


In her letter to Feinstein, Ford says she heard Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge talking to other party-goers after the assault, as she hid in the bathroom. In her Senate testimony, she says she couldn’t hear them downstairs.


How Many Party-goers?


Ford’s claim under oath that there were “4 boys and a couple of girls” at the party contradicts prior accounts from Ford and her lawyers. In her letter to Feinstein, Ford claimed that there were “four others” present. She also told The Washington Post that there were “four boys at the party”


A Fear of Flying


Ford’s lawyers cited a fear of flying as an excuse for delaying Ford’s testimony. Under oath, Ford testified that she flies all the time as part of her work with an Australian consulting firm, to visit family on the East coast, and to visit Hawaii. She also flew to the hearing.


Who Attended the Party with Ford?


Ford says she attended the party with friend Leland Keyser, who Ford apparently left alone in the house she was assaulted in. Keyser has no recollection of the party or any assault. We’re also supposed to believe that Keyser didn’t follow up with Ford as to why she suddenly disappeared from the party, and that the alleged attempted assault was never mentioned to Keyser.

Ford blamed Keyser’s refutation of her claims by stating that “she [Keyser] has health problems and needs to be taken care of.” Something tells me we wouldn’t be hearing about Keyser’s supposed health problems if she corroborated Ford’s account.


All these inconsistencies aren’t necessarily lies – if Ford’s memory truly is faulty. But if that’s the case, why believe her on details regarding the assault, given that everything else she remembers is so inconsistent with reality?

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.3281714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU Loyalist Grieve Calls for ‘Polite Rebellion’ Against Brexit, National Unity Govt to Hold Second Referendum


Tory europhile Dominic Grieve has called for a “polite rebellion” if Theresa May presses on with Brexit, suggesting a national unity government should deliver a second EU referendum.


The former Attorney-General, who serves as the ad hoc leader of a group of EU loyalist rebels which has already voted against the Government to defeat aspects of the legislation to deliver Brexit in Parliament, declared that “the time has come for a polite rebellion by pragmatic Conservatives” in a Sunday Telegraph article.


The Beaconsfield MP said he hoped that the Prime Minister would “come to see the benefit” of holding a so-called ‘People’s Vote’– or ‘Losers’ Vote’, according to Brexit supporters — on Brexit, but warned that “if she insists on pressing on, I for one cannot allow short-term party considerations to override the national interest”.


Unlike many EU loyalists, who claim that the purpose of a ‘People’s Vote’ would be merely to give the public a say on the final terms of Britain’s exit from the European Union, Grieve cheerfully admits that he “would of course argue that we need to change our national position”.


“We should choose to return to our union with twenty-seven like-minded European partners, whose values we share from centuries of interconnection and whose futures are intimately bound up with our own,” he adds, for the avoidance of doubt.


The idea of a cross-party ‘national unity’ government to thwart the public’s 2016 vote to Leave the European Union has previously been floated by fellow Tory europhile Anna Soubry, who in July 2018 told the BBC: “I personally would abandon the Labour frontbench and I would reach beyond it, and I would encompass Plaid Cymru, the SNP and other sensible, pragmatic people who believe in putting this country’s interests first and foremost.”


Soubry’s statement raised eyebrows, as the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru are, in fact, left-wing separatist parties which wish to break Scotland and Wales off from the United Kingdom as nominally independent EU member-states, and can therefore hardly be said to “believe in putting [the] country’s interests first”.


Her constituency of Broxtowe voted Leave in the 2016 referendum, and she is now complaining that local party members wish to deselect her for another candidate.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3281770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1912



BBC publishes video showing 6-year-olds being made to write gay love letters to promote diversity


The BBC’s Radio Manchester shared a video on the organization’s Facebook page in September that’s making the rounds and going viral.

What’s the video all about?


The video features 6-year-olds writing letters from one male story character to another male story character, imploring him to marry the other.


Featuring pupils from Bewsey Lodge Primary School — which is in Warrington, in England’s Cheshire region — the video shows children pen a note from “Prince Henry” to his servant “Thomas.”


The students’ teacher, Sarah Hopson, told the BBC what was happening in the video — which, at the time of this writing, has been viewed more than 180,000 times.


“This class of 6-year-olds is learning about gay marriage. In this fairy tale, the prince wants to marry his [male] servant. And the children are writing a love letter,” Hopson said.


She noted that she believes it’s important for children to learn about gay marriage at such a young age because those same children would “go out into that world and find this diversity around them, and they’ll find that out at a young age as well.”


“[T]he more [children] can be accepting at this age, you’re not going to face it further on, because the children will be accepting now and will be accepting this diversity around them,” she added.


According to Bewsey Lodge Primary School’s website, the school teaches “PSHE,” which stands for “Personal, Social, and Health Education.” Under the PSHE umbrella, topics like transgenderism, sexuality, and relationships are discussed. PSHE is taught from nursery age to year 6. Additionally, the school has “non-gender-specific” uniforms.


You can read more about the program here.


Anything else?


In June, the school received an award and became the first school in the region to win a LGBT+ award.


According to the Warrington Guardian, the school received the “Educate and Celebrate” Best Practice Gold Award.


The award was for tackling “homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying in schools,” according to the outlet.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.3281807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Newspaper Retracts Explosive Op-Ed on Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich


The conservative Washington Times newspaper retracted on Sunday an explosive opinion piece published in March alleging a cover-up in the case of slain Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich.


The timing of Rich's murder — July 10, 2016 — and the publishing of emails written by the upper echelons of the DNC later in the month by DC Leaks and WikiLeaks, fueled conspiracy theories that Rich was killed for having leaked the information.


The Washington Times op-ed, published on March 1, is now the second piece of reporting to be retracted by a mainstream conservative media company on the Seth Rich case. Fox News retracted a story on May 23, 2017. For that piece, they sourced from "independent investigator" Rod Wheeler, who was actually a paid Fox News contributor. The network had previously — all the way back in 2007 — issued a correction after Wheeler claimed on "The O'Reilly Factor" that underground lesbian gangs with pink guns were raping young girls and committing crimes all over the country.


The Washington Times piece — which is no longer available on their website but still accessible in part, unsurprisingly, on InfoWars and in full via the Internet Archive — proclaimed that Rich was "clearly" not "a victim of robbery," as police say he was.


It also connected Rich's murder to another crime committed the same day in another part of the city, which the op-ed claimed was in the "vicinity": the theft of guns and ammunition from an FBI agent's car. The op-ed posed such questions as: "was the FBI gun used to shoot Seth Rich?"


But the majority of the article's claims are not mentioned in the paper's statement on their retraction. That's potentially because the news organization only took back the op-ed after settling on undisclosed terms with Seth Rich's brother, Aaron Rich.


The claims withdrawn include that the Rich brothers downloaded the DNC emails and were paid by WikiLeaks after they handed the messages over to the organization, as well as that law enforcement has not interviewed Aaron.


Of the first charge, the newspaper said they no longer have "any basis to believe any part of that statement to be true." Of the latter, they now understand "that law enforcement officials have interviewed" Aaron Rich.


"The Washington Times apologizes to Mr. Rich and his family," the paper wrote.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.3281837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1867 >>1886 >>1897 >>2059

Georgetown Professor Says White GOP Senators Deserve ‘Miserable Deaths’ – Calls For Their Corpses to be Castrated and Fed to Pigs


Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown said white GOP Senators deserve to die miserable deaths “while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”


This wasn’t enough for Dr. Fair, she said once the white Republican Senators die miserable deaths, their corpses should be castrated and fed to pigs. (screenshot below in case of deletion)


Last week, Christine Fair went on a profanity-laced tirade against Kavanaugh, calling him a “rapist” and “perjurer.” She described the Republican party as a “f*cking death cult” and “filthy swine.”


CHRISTINE FAIR TWEETED: “Look at thus (sic) chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” she wrote. “All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”


Dr. Fair said this in response to Senator Lindsey Graham blasting Democrats for the biggest political sham he’s ever seen.


God forbid a Republican sticks up for Kavanaugh against the evil Democrat lies.


Dr. Christine Fair’s tweet is still posted to Twitter; she is still employed at Georgetown.


This isn’t the first time Dr. Fair has used her Twitter account to post vile, profanity-laced tirades towards people with whom she disagrees with.


Shortly after the 2016 election, Dr. Fair attacked one of her friends, a Muslim woman who admitted to voting for Donald Trump.


Dr. Christine Ford went into an unbelievable foul-mouthed meltdown that lasted 31 days after a Muslim ex-colleague said she voted for Donald Trump, reported the Daily Mail.


And she still has a job…


Gab, an alternative to Twitter, reported Dr. Christine Fair’s tweet, and as expected, Twitter responded to the report stating she did not violate Twitter’s guidelines.


To put this into context, James Woods was locked out of his Twitter account for posting a funny meme.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.3281852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1871 >>1903 >>1920 >>2078 >>2250 >>2322



Here We Go… SIXTH Kavanaugh Accuser Surfaces with Anonymous Letter that Included No Return Address


A sixth woman stepped forward.. sort of… and accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of brutal rape.

The anonymous accuser said Brett Kavanaugh brutally raped her and smacked her around.

The letter did not give a name or a return address.


Democrats are hoping the FBI will question this latest victim.


The Daily Mail reported:


An anonymous woman accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of repeatedly raping her while they were both teenagers, it emerged Monday.


Kavanaugh, she says, lifted her sweater and bra and digitally penetrated her, and then violently raped her ‘several times’ along with a friend who followed suit – before striking her and saying no one would believe her if she talked publicly about it.


‘Be a good girl,’ she claims Kavanaugh told her.


It’s the third such claim – and by far the most aggressive one – to reach the Senate Judiciary Committee without a name attached, and without citing the place or time of an allegation.


The allegation was made last week and Kavanaugh was questioned about it before the dramatic Senate hearings on Thursday.


Kavanaugh forcefully denied during a conference call with committee staff that he took part in any attack like what the Jane Doe claimed or had any knowledge of it.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.3281875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House Expands Scope Of Kavanaugh Investigation: Question Everybody.



On Monday, the White House reportedly authorized the FBI to expand their investigation into whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a female high school classmate, allowing the agency to question individuals not originally on the FBI's list.


Over the weekend, President Donald Trump reiterated, on Twitter, that the White House did not plan to issue any direction to the FBI or limit the FBI's investigation in any way. The New York Times reports that the White House followed up on the President's declaration by issuing a blanket approval for the FBI to expand the scope of their investigation, though it's not clear the FBI had requested any authorizations.


The White House's only request was that the FBI close its investigation by Friday.


The FBI has already spoken with four named individuals, and it plans on investigating clams made by both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who testified in Congress last week that she believes a drunken Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and pawed at her clothing during a party when the pair were both in their teens, and Deborah Ramirez, who says Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a college party. The FBI is not, reportedly, investigating allegations made by Julie Swetnick, who penned an affidavit accusing Kavanaugh and his childhood friend Mark Judge of running a de facto "gang rape" ring in high school.


During a Monday morning press conference on his revised NAFTA agreement, the President, asked about Kavanaugh, said only that, "I think the FBI should do what they have to do to get to the answer." He later added that the ongoing back-and-forth in the Senate has been "unfair" to the Supreme Court nominee, but that he was following directions from the Senate.


Initial rumors surrounding the investigation speculated that the FBI could be done with its seventh background check on Kavanaugh as soon as Monday evening.

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.3281887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri - SJW Mom Sues School As Son Didn’t Make Soccer Team


A male junior high school student didn’t make the cut for his school’s soccer team in Missouri. His mom wouldn’t have it, going to battle to make sure her son gets to play by filing a federal case against the school.


The unidentified boy is a junior at Ladue Horton Watkins High School, located at the most affluent section of St. Louis. His mom claimed in the suit that the coach discriminated against her son. The suit further argued that since the boy played on the junior varsity team last year, then he’s good enough to play again this school year.


Court papers reveal that the coach, Dave Aronberg, tried to defend his decision for the boy’s non-inclusion in the team, with an email explanation. The email read in part: “(He) was right on the bubble of making the team this year and has some impressive attributes. However, there were few holes in his game including technical ability and game decision making that put him behind a number of kids.


The family in the suit argued that both age and sex discrimination are at play with the school’s decision over the snub on their son. They particularly cited that the same rules applied to the boys' team do not apply to the girls' team.


The family lawyer said: “Female juniors get to play on the female junior varsity team, but male juniors don’t get to play on the male junior varsity or J.V..”


The school is contending, however, that players who failed to make it to the varsity team cannot simply go back to J.V., because they want to give younger students a chance to develop their skills, too, by having the slots in the team.


The coach also claimed in a courtroom testimony that seven juniors who were cut from the varsity team were deemed not good enough to play J.V. ball.


The family has another contention. They also specified in the suit that the junior varsity squad only has 18 active players, compared to the usual 25. That means, they say, that even if their boy wasn’t “good enough” to be a starter, he should still be in the team given the number of slots available.


The lawyer also cited player performance ratings from other coaches that show the boy being “better “ than some of the players who made varsity, ranking 19th of the 36 hopefuls.


The suit is pushing for the boy to be placed back on the J.V. team. A much-anticipated decision by both parties is scheduled to be announced on Monday.


It is not sure how the boy feels about the whole fiasco - if he agrees with his mom’s and family’s efforts to take the cudgels for him, or he’d rather quietly work on his soccer skills to make sure that when the next chance comes, he’ll be so good no team will ever reject him.



Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.3281918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2009

College students don’t need cash at Rhode Island coffee shop. Their personal data will do just fine.


Shiru Cafe near Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, distinguishes itself in at least two unusual ways.


First, it serves only college students or professors — IDs are required.


“We definitely have some people that walk in off the street that are a little confused and a little taken aback when we can’t sell them any coffee,” Sarah Ferris, assistant manager, told National Public Radio.


Second, if college students don’t want to pay cash, they can get free coffee — all they have to do is turn over their personal information, the outlet said.


In exchange for some java, tea, or juice, NPR said all students have to do on an online form is punch in their:



Dates of birth

Phone numbers

Email addresses


Professional interests


And by releasing that info, the outlet said students open the door for corporate sponsors — which pay the cafe to reach customers through logos, apps, digital ads, signs, and surveys — to send them company information.


Even baristas get into the act.


“We have specially trained staff members who give students additional information about our sponsors while they enjoy their coffee,” Shiru’s website indicates.


The website adds that customers can order their drinks “from their personal page on the SHIRU CAFE® website where sponsor company information will be displayed.”

Shiru’s ‘mission’


Shiru, which originated in Japan, explains on its website that “through a free drink we try to give students some information” from sponsor companies in order to broaden their “choices” regarding their future careers. Those sponsor companies “can have desired information projected on screens, which are tactfully arranged in our stores,” the site notes, adding that companies also “can interact with students” at special Shiru events during which companies can “learn about studentsʼ academic interests and students’ start-ups.”


Corporate sponsors have included Microsoft, Nissan, and Suzuki, NPR said.


But Alex Inoue, Shiru Cafe’s general manager, told the outlet the cafe doesn’t give out data on specific students but rather general, aggregate data such as student majors and expected graduation years.


The Providence shop is the only Shiru Cafe operating in the U.S., NPR said, but the franchise hopes to open up more locations near Amherst College, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.




Two Brown students in a letter to the campus paper called for a Shiru boycott last December over some sponsor companies’ principles:


According to The Herald’s article about the Shiru Cafe, “last year, 40 percent of JP Morgan Japan’s new hires were Shiru Cafe patrons.” This statistic is alarming, given that JP Morgan engaged in deceitful financial practices which likely contributed [to] the 2008 financial crisis and then became the only large financial institution to make a profit during the crisis.


‘Does not seem so risky to me’


Nina Wolff Landau, a junior at Brown, told NPR the information Shiru collects is easy to find online: “Maybe I should have been more apprehensive, but everyone has your information at this point anyway. To give out my name and email and what I study does not seem so risky to me.”

Anonymous ID: 936c7f Oct. 1, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3282296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2345



Note: I cannot access which is Syria's state news outlet it's been 2 days now, cannot access via TOR either, if others can try and let me know that would be helpful. TY


I will provide the report regardless in the next few hours, but the local sauce shows the positive progress within Syria not just the death and destruction.

