Anonymous ID: ccadb7 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.3281917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337

In the previous bread there was a notable regarding Iron Eagle that prompted me to search my archives for a late night exchange I had back in April with an anon I thought to be a Q Team member/helper. It might be nothing, but the anon confirmed my theory on the meaning of Iron Eagle. Though I recognize that there are often multiple meanings of these terms I wanted to offer this exchange in case it is, in fact, the correct interpretation:


Anonymous (You) 04/29/18 (Sun) 23:08:52 a1928c No.1244181>>1244210 >>1244248 >>1244378


So Iron Eagle is a shell corporation set up by Renegade to receive the twice yearly $250 Billion "payments to Iran" that were added to the Iran Deal in a secret side agreement? And the coalition op with Jordan and other allies is to take down the cabal and Iranian bases and assets in Syria before moving into Iran to free the Iranian people from the CIA, cabal and Mullahs?


Anonymous 04/29/18 (Sun) 23:20:45 2c242e No.1244378

>>1244181 (You)


Semper Fi