Anonymous ID: 818a62 Oct. 1, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.3282489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548

i just called the SS to ask about wearing Q shirts to the rally tonight. i'd like to think that as a concerned citizen i have the right to know if it is unsafe for me to wear certain clothes to my presidents rally. The lady was unwilling to give me any information but did ask a lot of questions and then transferred me. This time a man who was very matter of fact was on the line. He asked many questions including why i was concerned but would neither confirm or deny his or the services knowledge of Q anon and or any possible threats. Then directed me to call the white house press office. i asked again if he had any comment and he sad that he would not comment but would love to offer me the right course of action to get a comment.

The white house press office would not comment and directed me to call the RNC. The RNC would not comment but said that they'd transfer me to the appropriate people in the GOP. The GOP was just an answering machine.