filename = q9JPJDq = 17 9 10 16 10 4 17
Dates? Names?
kys. social justice is a fucking socialist/communist/marxist ploy, and is not justice. EQUAL JUSTICE is the only justice.
FFS research the origins of social justice you fucking ignorant faggot.It comes out of Marxist Liberation Theology.
The only acceptable justice is EQUAL JUSTICE.
Fuck off.
There is only Equal Justice & Equal Opportunity as enshrined in the US Constitution.
Equal outcomes cannot be guaranteed.
you're a useful idiot. by definition social justice means protecting a class or group of people, or giving them special advantages to make up for past injustice. There can only ever be equal justice. protection of the environment is just common sense, but debatable in how best delivered. Or are you one that says there must be justice for Mother Earth / Gaia?
then why the fuck do you need the extra adjective "social." How about Equal Justice Warrior?
this is fucking circular. the label SJW comes from Marxist ideology. So, why don't you move away from such toxic labels and simply call yourself a defender of the US Constitution, which espouses Equal Justice for all. Therefore, you are an EJW.
All Right EJW! That last one is good and is somewhat covered in the Declaration of Independence. Now, how to Relax when the Constitution is being shredded and the agendas of Marxist/Globalist/Satanic Cabal have been spreading unchecked through our deplorable education system for the past 100 years is a really good question.