I've been doing my Q work and redpilling anonymously online only…but that does include a nice meme portfolio and more than 100k tweets since November 2017.
I decided early on to not do any red-pilling except lightly in my personal life, so I could judge how far red-pills were spreading organically. Im seeing spread.
This past week, I have had some of the most unlikely people talk to me about their waking up. (though they didn't call it that). One registered independent who never votes has woken up through Kavanaugh and wanted to ask me what I thought was going on. I explained the dig finds, though not where they came from.
Another friend who was always a bit of a prepper, though thinking he was prepping for nuclear war with Russia, is now sharing Kevin Shipp videos with me. He's struggling with his finds, kind of in a state of low panic. You know how it felt. But I think he's going to be stumbling on Q on his own any minute.
Im sharing this personal anecdote because I see they came to this on their own by what they are finding OUTSIDE OF THE NEWS, and without hearing any mention of Q. If shills say we aren't reaching, we are.
Bless you anons. Praying for us all.