ah jesus fuck, CNN talking about Kav drinking beer in High School. 36 years ago. so now he's an alcoholic cause he got drunk. And he was beligerent at hearing. and now he's a drunkard.
As an Irish Catholic, growing up in the Bronx, a lot of years ago, my friends and I could fill up the Atlantic Ocean with the Buds and Boones Farm Apple Wine we drank on weekend nights. Kek.
We always made it to school and our jobs after school. We respected our parents cause they would beat our asses if we didn't.
We grew up, and 30 years later, we are leaders in law enfrcmnt, military, communities, doctors, lawyers, etc.
True story - years ago spouse was hit head on by guy who crossed double yellow in order to pass a slow driver. they all died. incldng 2 yr old little boy.
Spouse had seat belt on which saved his life (please Anons wear your seatbelts). A pen he had in his shirt pocket was embedded in his chest. But he was still was fucked up. 18 surgeries. In hospital for months.
Point of story is a Neuro Scientist came by to see him. I recognized him. Then saw his name tag. We grew up together. He lived across street from me. This guy was the drinking champ of the neighborhood. Big guy. NOBODY could beat him chugging Buds. KEK. Now a Neuro Scientist. Couldn't believe it. kek. True story Anons.