Anonymous ID: 8dbc32 Oct. 1, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.3284513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4570


A theory on Ford's weird (hypnotic) Behaviour?


So how likely is it that the clowns/handler used her b/c she has split/fragmented personalities (read up on trauma-based programming). They make a personality come out that is acting like a kid, and could that be a reason why she was acting all 'cutesy'. The video from the woman who does bodylanguage was observant and noticed that she had some weird reflex opening her mouth and closing it.


I thought it was strange she would act that way, but I would find it less strange if her talking personalty was much younger than her age.


And knowing the things C_A does, I would not be surprised if she actually did fear for her life when they were 'implanting' that memory. It would also validate all the memory holes b/c it was a sloppy job by her handlers. They didn't take her trough a lot of detail due to limited time to plant this in her personality.


To me that could also explain the bad acting and the lack of actual tears because I assume her personality went trough much much worse and has been programmed to repress tears.


And that she was surrounded by handlers who could freeze her up if needed but they have to act fast for that to happen. Also note how they act, if they know she has the personality of a young girl their way how they interact with her makes more sense to me…


Idk… Just my 2ct. based on trauma related personalities and programming. Maybe I'm way off but it all kinda clicked together neatly.



Anonymous ID: 8dbc32 Oct. 1, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.3284591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

B/c every trained polygraph operator knows that emotions will skew/distort the test. Very plausible. They needed to anchor the date of her polygraph to an event and choose a death so she would not be questioned on that date I assume.