Anonymous ID: e536c7 Oct. 1, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.3284249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Perhaps the "187" in PF is related to this:-


are the left wanting to Kill Kavanaugh?


Typing a word “kill” into Twitter search returns an appalling drop-down result – it turns out that #KillKavanaugh currently appears to top the list of search and hashtag suggestions.


The bizarre search suggestion was spotted earlier on Monday by Instapundit, a libertarian blog run maintained by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor at the University of Tennessee. The notable find comes just days after fresh episodes of a saga involving the federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and sexual assault claims against him.


Currently, at the time of composing this article, #KillKavanaugh is the first autocompleted suggestion in searches for “kill.”


So the first autofill on #Kill is #KillKavanaugh. @jack, how is this happening.

— (@instapundit) September 30, 2018


That said, by typing this word into the Twitter search, users might easily come across the hashtag discussing the death of Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court.