Anonymous ID: 14650e Oct. 1, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.3284730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830 >>4957 >>5050 >>5260 >>5352



Iran says it launched missiles into Syria targeting parade attack 'ringleaders'

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (#IRGC) strikes the gatherings of the ringleaders of the recent terror attack in the southern Iranian city of #Ahvaz, in the east of the Euphrates with several surface-to-surface ballistic missiles.


-ADMITTING DEFEAT: US Threatens to Make life of Assad Regime ‘As Miserable as Possible’

The United States, along with its allies, will implement a “strategy of isolation” in Syria if President Bashar Assad maintains the political process aimed at ending the war in Syria, an American diplomat was quoted as saying.

US Special Representative for Syria Jim Jeffrey said Washington would work with countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East to impose tough international sanctions on Syria if Damascus did not want to cooperate to change the constitution before the elections.

“If the regime does that, we believe that then we can go after it the way we went after Iran before 2015 – with really tough international sanctions,” Jeffrey said

“Even if the U.N. Security Council won’t pass them we will just do it through the European Union, we will do it through our Asian allies, and then we will make it our business to make life as miserable as possible for that flopping cadaver of a regime and let the Russians and Iranians, who made this mess, get out of it,” Jeffrey said


Largest rebel group in southern Idlib rejects buffer zone agreement

The Free Syrian Army’s Jaysh Al-Izza faction released a statement that announced their discontent with the Idlib agreement and their official rejection of the 15-20km deep buffer zone. The rebel group added that they won’t retreat from the designated buffer zone and that they will not reopen the Latakia-Aleppo Highway until the Syrian government releases all the detainees from their prisons.

Jaysh Al-Izza is arguably one of the most powerful groups in the Idlb Governorate; their rejection of the buffer zone could cause a major problem for the Turkish military, as they were tasked with convincing the rebels to adhere to this agreement.



Syrian War Report – October 1, 2018: Damascus To Evacaute People From On Al-Rukban Camp In US-Occupied Area



US-backed Forces Advance On ISIS Positions In Hajin Pocket

The SDF kicked off its advance on Hajin about three weeks ago, However, so far, the SDF has not been able to deliver a devastating blow to the terrorist group there even with massive support from the US-led coalition.

NOTE: This is the same MO as the Obama admin, US backed forces only give illusion of fighting ISIS. Everywhere else they are being defeated. Are they incompetent or is this the US cabal?


Russia Vows To Continue Fighting Terrorism In Syria

“The fight against terrorist organizations in Syria goes on, and we should continue this fight,” the spokesman told journalists. In reply to the question about Iran’s missile strike on Syria, he noted: “As for the illegitimate presence of foreign troops and foreign armed forces in Syria, Russia’s position on this has been quite clear.”


Syrian Army Recaptures From ISIS More Positions In Al-Safa

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) captured several lakes, positions and fortifications in the area of al-Safa north of the governorate of al-Suwayda after killing and injuring several ISIS fighters, according to Sham Hamadan, a reporter for the Syrian News TV.


Iran Successfully Employed At Least Seven Combat UAVs To Pound ISIS Positions In Syria Following Ballistic Missile Strike

The employed aircraft are most likely Thunderbolt UCAVs produced by Shahed Aviation Industries. The Thunderbolt is based on a US-made RQ-170 UAV, which was reverse-engineered by Iranian specialists.

Anonymous ID: 14650e Oct. 1, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.3284838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5298

AmerisourceBergen Corporation Agrees to Pay $625 Million to Resolve Allegations That it Illegally Repackaged Cancer–Supportive Injectable Drugs to Profit From Overfill

Anonymous ID: 14650e Oct. 1, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3284891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4931

LONGEST LINES WE’VE EVER SEEN!… President Trump to Hold Rally at Freedom Hall in Johnson City, TN Tonight


President Donald Trump will make a historic visit to Johnson City, Tennessee on Monday night to rally for Republican Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn.





Anonymous ID: 14650e Oct. 1, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.3285068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not frozen but a definite pause. I get the feeling the offer to surrender has been made with time limit. I suspect those who do not accept will not do so well. With Russia now locking the country down with the S-300 and more importantly deploying their EW systems everywhere it's a bit of a check mate scenario.


It's becoming increasingly more difficult to access the good sauces too, which is pissing me off and delaying the updates.

Anonymous ID: 14650e Oct. 1, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.3285168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5320 >>5352

Venezuela: Recent developments and opinions concerning the possibility of an open military ‘intervention’ by the United States & Co


Written by Daniel Edgar exclusively for SouthFront


A recent article by Rubén Castillo for Misión Verdad (republished by Resumen Latinoaméricano) provides a succinct analysis of the most likely attack options and the Bolivarian Republic’s defence capabilities in the respective scenarios (without ruling out the concurrent implementation of all three – an all-out ‘shock and awe’ aerial attack, immediately followed by medium to large-scale frontier invasions primarily from Colombia and perhaps Brazil, accompanied by ‘low intensity’ but extremely destructive terrorist attacks and sabotage from all directions, internal and external). Indeed the latter scenario, low intensity terror attacks and sabotage, has already been underway for some time, as envisaged in the confidential ‘Masterstroke’ strategy document prepared by SouthCom that was subsequently revealed in the international press (discussed previously by the same author; Daniel Edgar, 2018).


While the new Colombian president Iván Duque affirmed unequivocally during the election campaign that he was not in favour of Colombia participating in a military attack against Venezuela, Colombia and Guyana did not support a recent declaration by the ‘Lima Group’ categorically rejecting military intervention and Duque is taking every opportunity to antagonize and demonize the Venezuelan government and demonstrate his absolute loyalty to his masters in Washington and Miami.


Moreover, in a recent budget statement he announced a projected increase to the military budget of over 50% (matched by a similar level of cutbacks to funding for education and implementation of the now all but defunct peace process with the FARC), largely to fund the acquisition of an air-defence system which in current circumstances could only be used against a possible (counter-)attack from Venezuela (it is unthinkable that such a system would be used to defend the country against an attack by the United States, which already has a very substantial military and intelligence presence in Colombia). The increase is on top of already record levels of military spending; while the FARC-EP disarmed completely following the signing of the Peace Accord, the Colombian State has not relinquished one piece of military equipment or ended compulsory military service. To the contrary, it continued to increase military spending.


This reveals a considerable dilemma for the would-be aggressors: while Colombia has one of the highest levels of military spending and possesses one of the most formidable military apparatuses on the continent, it has been designed and operated with the exclusive objective of fighting against the Colombian people in order to defend and preserve the extravagant luxuries and privileges of the political and economic elite and ‘foreign investors’ rather than defending the country and the people in an external conflict with a well-armed opponent (much less conducting a large-scale offensive military campaign outside the country).


Perhaps Peru, a country that was not mentioned in the SouthCom document outlining the strategy to overthrow the Venezuelan government, could assist in this respect, as it possesses a large contingent of tanks and other offensive weapons that could be transferred to staging areas as they presumably won’t be needed against its traditional enemy Chile as both are currently, and have been for some time, completely compliant US client states.

