Anonymous ID: e17b63 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.3285135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Bread #4161)


If true, that would be in a worst case scenario environment, because damaging a woman will impact on her ability to mother.


Some part of it could be that boys who grow into men are stronger than women and have learned they can leave their mother and force another woman to take care of them, totally selfish-in-the-moment motive.


Cabal tampering with social structure would also be in the mix, they've clearly been busy destablizing societies worldwide. I think they're largely to blame for our familial and societal hell on earth, via multiple routes.


There is obviously also a wiring to procreate and raise children in both sexes. I think there's a spiritual compenent, it develops the soul to be responsible for another human being long-term.