Anonymous ID: 465748 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.3285546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5575





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Anonymous ID: 465748 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.3285702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Times to hold allegedly ‘nonpartisan’ voting awareness event — with Bernie Sanders


The New York Times, a publication that often faces accusations of liberal bias, is hosting a voting awareness event for college students that features Sen. Bernie Sanders, according to The Washington Free Beacon.


Sanders, though technically an independent lawmaker, is one of the most liberal politicians in the nation, raising questions about how “nonpartisan” such an event might be.


“With the midterm elections just months away, Senator Sanders will take the stage to discuss what’s at stake for students in particular, and to amplify the critical importance of voting — regardless of which candidate you support,” the event’s description read.

Who else is involved?


The event is a part of The New York Times’ “Get With the Times” live event series. The upcoming event with Bernie Sanders will take place at the University of Maryland, and is called “Turn Up the Turnout.”


During the event, Sanders will be interviewed by New York Times political correspondent Alexander Burns.


Rock the Vote is collaborating with the Times for the event. Rock the Vote, though it claims nonpartisanship, also has a history that calls such a label into question.


In 2016, after President Donald Trump was elected, Rock the Vote presidentCarolyn DeWitt took a noticeably antagonistic tone toward the result of the election:


“This is a jarring day for Millennial voters, who voted overwhelmingly for Secretary Clinton and for progressive candidates down the ticket. Too many of us navigated archaic and confusing election laws, direct and indirect voter suppression, significantly under-resourced election systems and our own frustration with the state of the race — and politics overall.”


Does the Times admit to partisanship?


The Free Beacon reached out to the Times to ask about its involvement with Rock the Vote, and about whether any of these events will ever be headlined by a conservative. Past “Get With the Times” events have featured Trevor Noah from “The Daily Show,” Chelsea Handler, and Leslie Odom, one of the stars of the hit Broadway musical “Hamilton.”


In response, the Times fell back on the fact that Rock the Vote bills itself as nonpartisan, and said it was “in conversations with others from differing political viewpoints.”

Anonymous ID: 465748 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.3285858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5991

Christine Ford’s Criminal Record Scrubbed Clean on Database Three Weeks Before Her Letter to Feinstein


Christine Blasey lived in Potomac, Maryland in 1985.


Christine was arrested in a traffic stop and ticketd on June 14, 1985 (Friday) in Catawba County North Carlina.


She was charged with a traffic misdemeanor – no big deal. It was disposed on Sept 11, 1985.


But there’s more.


There were two other cases on June 17, 1985 (Monday). They were also in Catawba County on a different day and are under case type – CRIMINAL. This might be the same case, but two different records were given.


The interesting thing about these two cases against Christine Blasey Ford is that they were last updated on July 7, 2018.


Is that when they were expunged?

Ford’s letter to Rep. Eschoo and Senator Feinstein was dated on July 30, 2018 and signed by Christine Blasey.


Here is the record from July 7, 2018.


Here is another record of the charges.


And here are the charges against Christine Blasey from Friday June 14, 2018.

Anonymous ID: 465748 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.3285887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Creepy Porn Lawyer’s Client Julie Swetnick Backtracks on Some Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh


Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick is now backtracking on some of the claims she brought forth against Brett Kavanaugh.


Julie Swetnick spoke to NBC’s Kate Snow Monday evening and curiously, her story about Kavanaugh changed–NBC could not verify Swetnick’s claims.


Michael Avenatti revealed Brett Kavanaugh’s 3rd accuser last Wednesday morning–A woman named Julie Swetnick who brought forth allegations of gang rape.


Ms. Swetnick, in a sworn statement says she was a victim of one of these “gang” or “train” rapes where Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were present. Swetnick also claims she was drugged with Qualuudes or “something similar.”


“During the years 1981-82 I became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to “spike” the “punch” at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say “no,” Swetnick said in paragraph 11 of her sworn statement.


On Monday evening, Julie Swetnick backtracked and said she never saw Brett Kavanaugh “spike” the punch at house parties, rather, Swetnick said she “saw him around the punch containers.”


“I don’t know what he did,” Swetnick told Kate Snow.


Julie Swetnick also changed her story on the gang rape allegation against Mr. Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge saying she only saw them congregated outside of bedrooms.


When MSNBC’s Kate Snow asked Julie Swetnick if the boys being gathered outside of a room meant they were planning to rape girls, Swetnick said “yes.”


“It’s just too coincidental,” Swetnick added.


“I cannot specifically say that he was one of the ones who assaulted me. But, before this happened to me, at that party, I saw Brett Kavanaugh there, I saw Mark Judge, and they were hanging out about where I started to feel disoriented and where the room was and where the other boys were hanging out and laughing,” Julie Swetnick added.


Julie Swetnick also said she contacted police and told her mom about the alleged assault.


NBC said they were unable to verify Swetnick’s claims. ‘She told us things on camera that differ from her written statement,’ NBC said.

Anonymous ID: 465748 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.3285955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6102 >>6208

Georgetown Professor: ‘Castrate’ White Men’s Corpses And ‘Feed Them To Swine’


Georgetown Professor C. Christine Fair tweeted over the weekend that “entitled white men” should have their corpses castrated and then fed to pigs.


Fair, an associate professor in Georgetown’s Security Studies program, tweeted, “Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement.”


Fair linked to a video of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham defending Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from allegations of sexual assault from when the judge was in high school.


“All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps,” Fair wrote. “Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”


Georgetown University said in a statement to The Daily Caller that they respect Fair’s right to freedom of speech but also expect her to keep her classrooms “free of bias.”


“The views of faculty members expressed in their private capacities are their own and not the views of the University. Our policy does not prohibit speech based on the person presenting ideas or the content of those ideas, even when those ideas may be difficult, controversial or objectionable. While faculty members may exercise freedom of speech, we expect that their classrooms and interaction with students be free of bias and geared toward thoughtful, respectful dialogue.”


Fair recently came under fire in 2017 when she sent “hateful, vulgar” messages to a former Georgetown professor, Asra Nomani. Nomani claimed Fair began harassing her after she admitted to voting for Donald Trump for president.


“I’ve written you off as a human being,” Fair said in one message. “Your vote helped normalize Nazis in D.C. What don’t you understand, you clueless dolt?”


“‘F**K YOU. GO TO HELL,” Fair wrote in a Facebook post directed toward Nomani.


In January 2018, Fair was stopped and detained after allegedly calling German officers “Nazi police” at an airport in Frankfurt, Germany.