Anonymous ID: 8807a6 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3286727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I hope that we have been doing this long enough that we can see what happened last week.


Q says "Prepare for 'SKY IS FALLING' week" and the very next day, the MSM manufactures the [RR] resigning/being removed/forced out narative at the same time they push the Kavanaugh nightmare that will for sure be the end of the world.


POTUS takes the wind out of their sails again by not acknowledging their RR hysteria and has no problem giving Kavanaugh a weeks worth of additional FBI investigation.


Not getting hung up in the details, Q knew that based on some events behind the scenes, that the MSM was going to push this feelings to the lost-ones that the 'SKY WAS GOING TO FALL'!


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