Anonymous ID: ac016a Oct. 1, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.3286353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


40% + hon + blue yonder, lifelong dream was to do what we have recently been shown to have been corrupted. Have on multiple occasions sent data decoded to alphabet with most recent after Philly train and decoding of message by ISIS in their release which, inevitably, turned out correct. Dropped dream after 2014 due to nothing happening after good info provided.


All that matters is security of nation as where the US goes so too do our friends and allies overseas and if America falls I foresee the end of our species and, frankly, after all these years I have yet to be wrong with anything from my LLI. No burden too heavy, no request too steep to provide the blanket of security. Love the POTUS, love my American brethren, love our friends/allies as I see them as brethren to me as well, concerned about the dragon's infiltration and what instinct feels is a stop watch, created sound based design/sent to L/M, fully prepared to protect the nation from all enemies… both foreign and domestic and awaiting the call.

Anonymous ID: ac016a Oct. 1, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.3286826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6929

Anons, I think this may be something we really need to consider. Flake's young boy is 13, yes he may be in an angry world but he has, before this event, never acted in this way before. Look how dreadfully scared Flake looked the past few days. This is a guy who has never cared in the past to fuck the US but then he suddenly isn't running for reelection which tells me the POTUS bottled him up. This would have undoubtedly upset the plans of the opposition as without control of Flake they would be broken eventually. How do you control a Father? Harm or threaten his son.


I don't think this is random, the timing is too coincidental. Do they have his son and was that a message to him and their prelude to get the ball rolling to make it look like a suicide? Are we missing something here?