Anonymous ID: e20773 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.3286281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6315 >>6335 >>6336 >>6337 >>6349 >>6377 >>6385 >>6430 >>6517 >>6785

As a Canadian

I have supported Trump

In spite of his America First program

Because I always believed

That a strong, wealthy America

Would lead to the same for Canada

And now the new USMCA

Which grew ultimately out of the Auto-pact

Between Canada and the USA

Makes it clear that Canada and the USA

Are bound into one economic engine

And the fair trade deal

Is just making sure that the engine can run smoothly

At maximum power.

Anonymous ID: e20773 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.3286477   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pro sports are OWNED

By the Illuminati's Ministry of Entertainment

This is the same Ministry

That OWNS the Hollywood movie industry

And the music industry

Often the same people will own properties

Across all these industries

A property is a Mind Control Slave

One of the vast majority of A-list celebs

That are owned by the Cabal.

They all have MK Ultra or Monarch mind control programming

Which includes bisexual Beta kitten personas

Meaning that everyone of those A-list sports stars

Spends some time at parties

Sucking cock, and getting fucked in the ass.


This is not a joke.

This is what the Illuminati does to people

Remember these people call us sheep,

Serfs, the little people.

They steal our children for sex

For torture

For hunting games

And for sacrifices

These Nihilist vampires

Have no morals

They will torture a baby

Then slash it and suck the blood from its body

Until it dies.

They will fuck young boys and girls


Until they die.

They are EVIL

And you all support them

By spending money on pro sports

Instead of taking a soccer ball to the park

And playing friendly games with friends

And with your kids.

Anyone can play soccer

And the USMCA countries will be hosting

The 2026 World Cup

So why not make this game

The game of America

And Socc it to the Cabal!!!

Anonymous ID: e20773 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.3286562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6644



Annexation will never happen.

We are the experts in our own country

And the way that it works

We will have to step up and fix it



The task will be easier

If there is no gigantic wealthy Cabal in the USA

Trying to infiltrate and manipulate all of our organizations.

Anonymous ID: e20773 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3286721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6763



After 100 years,

The Fed is totally embedded in America's financial system

It cannot be ended.

But it can be taken under control

It can be restructured

It can be evolved

And anybody who has watched how Trump works

Knows that this is his style

The Fed will evolve

The banking system will evolve

The SEC will evolve

And observer in 2118

Might say that things were ended or reset

But they will be collapsing many events

Over many years

Into a one sentence summary

Which is not really the place you want to start from

If your job is to get things done

And make things work better.


Start with some education here: