Anonymous ID: 07ff60 Oct. 1, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3287493   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3284672 (lb)

We've crossed the Rubicon, so to speak. It's October now. With anticipated loss of COMMS and POTUS twitting less, Q Team going beyond proofs. Demonstrating POTUS and Q are The Team, beyond "coincidence". POTUS and Q speaking directly to the people.

Enemedia would have to "check the boards" to know, as well.


Mr. President, please tell me this FBI investigation was a way of creating a door in Their wall? Surely, you're aware of her family history

with the c_a? Half the people in that room would glow in the dark. This was a conspiracy to commit fraud and obvious racketeering.


Shit! Not concernfagging you, Sir. I trust the plan and YOU. They stuck you with the queen of spades on the first hand; thought they had hung it around your neck like a millstone. They never expected you to run around collecting all the hearts though.


Keep shooting the moon President Trump