Anonymous ID: 4d68a6 Oct. 1, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.3287327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3285147 pb

Best night ever, Tonight with the very enthusiastic audience - as it should be.

And a clearly delighted POTUS

The night Pres. Trump won, I was also laughing.

Thinking "Oh it might be so"

"Nothing is too wonderful to be true"

"Maybe God's got a plan for the people to win"


And maybe there a plan for a Memorial that isn't an insult to the dead?.

Like a place for those whistle-blowers , researchers, good fighters who do not have name [and those who do] to have park for mourners, relatives to go to for remembrance and respect. With respect.

Isn't it amazing that the "potter's field" in NYC does not allow relatives and friends of those who have remains there to visit? Except on very rare occassions. And is run by the prison authorities?

HART island / is that a pun?


Isn't a Hart a kind of Stag?

Isn't the Stag [horns] one of their symbols?

"Hart" is an archaic word for Stag

Isn't it interesting,? that it's on an island.

In Europe it's unbelievable to them that there would be a public graveyard which is restricted.

I wonder why it's set-up that way?