Anonymous ID: 99add7 Oct. 1, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.3287125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7162 >>7275

I've been working a lot lately so if this is already known, apologies.

My son-in-law in Air National Guard says that October 3rd they are all on 'Drills'

How he explained it to me was they pack up their gear, load on airplane , a call comes in announcing Biochemical attack & they respond

I'm probably not explaining well, maybe a military person on here can do a better job

Anonymous ID: 99add7 Oct. 1, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.3287617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q , We need WV. Here's the problem with the race & Morrisey.

  1. Manchin has lots of outside ads on tv. They keep focusing on "Elect Joe b/c he won't get rid of pre-existing conditions", "Morrisey will eliminate health care for those with pre-exisiting conditions' etc.

They never use the words Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. WV is Overwhelmingly opposed to those.

Morrisey desperately needs to call these ads out & name what they are really talking about. People seem confused & think Morr will eliminate health care, if they were told Joe was talking about ACA, it'd be different.

  1. Morrisey is a nice guy but he looks terrible on ads, even his own. He just doesn't have a good tv presence. His ads need more of others talking for him & keep bringing up Joe's misleading health care, Joe destroying miners livelihood etc.

I supported/campaigned for Manchin Gov & then Senate. NO MORE

Husband & I both Physical Therapists. He owns outpatient clinic. I worked home health & nursing home.

ACA almost bankrupted the clinic. Government payment so small. i.e. Evaluation once was $150, ACA reimburses about $25.

Then government delays reimbursement sometimes by 6 months. Big push by large companies to purchase small health care co like ours, when you say no, Medicare audits would start. If they found 1 mistake in a treatment note, they could then go back & audit several years.

Large insurance companies (BC/BS, Humana etc) jumped on the bandwagon as soon as ACA was passed & then said they reimburse now what Medicare/ACA reimburses.

The absolute goal was to bankrupt small companies by constant audits, delayed & reduced reimbursement. See not only would Medicare audit, if medicare found a mistake, they told BC/BS - they would then audit & so on.

A family owned business of >25 years being systematically destroyed.

We reached out to Manchin, we had helped him in the past w elections etc.

We got a form letter.

He no longer represents US, nor the people of West Virginia