Anonymous ID: df6bce Oct. 1, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.3287695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7728


^ Last test I took scored a solid 100% for answering my questions in the manner of a psychopath. Born and raised that way. I do everything I can to fight it, have been to nut houses, locked up and more. It's like a demon on your back. There are times it goes away, but it's always right there with you. If we did not have social rules and where as free as the caveman, you might be surprised in what you see in their behavior. After all it would be primitive. From the old ages in history, that 'primitive' was blood thirsty. Animals have fight or flight instincts as do we. We don't all act in such ways, but any of us could. Say your spouse cheated on you with your best friend. Say a sicko kidnapped your child. The beast inside rears it's head. It's how we control it or how we are taught to control it that helps us make the 'right' decision.