pretty easy
you are aware that in the original format, the column spaces each row moves actually gives you moar information, correct? If not, good time to stretch your autism out a bit kek
slide the rows over, you have a 3 digit number, 2,5,5, when counting the spaces moved through the columns in the 5th, 6th, and 7th rows, respectively 2 periods are left under the (C)_A in column 5, rows 5 and 6….I put way to much autism in this shit, kek
sorry, periods were left in rows 4 and 5…..45 kekkle
never had em, but Morgellon's seems to be a narrative derived from chem trails…however, I also allow for the narrative of chemtrails to be not reliant upon mass infection of population, but of hindering sight of appropriate height so as to hide strategic missile launches and/or strategic target and attack from upper atmosphere….rough damn times attempting to sort through all the bullshit lies to form narratives, but they do boil down quite nicely when in the right minds.
“I would appeal the verdict of the Senate to the ballot box. This good man should not be destroyed,” said Graham, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee. “If you legitimize this process by one vote short, we’ll be onto the next person. I’d hate to be the next person nominated. I would feel horrible that we destroyed Kavanaugh.”
The South Carolina senator continued: “So what would I do? I would renominate him and I would take this case to the American people and ask voters in Indiana, in Missouri, in North Dakota, and other places where Trump won, saying who he would nominate…and see if voters want to appeal the verdict of their senator.”
"If there is no sperm…you MUST confirm" kekkle…rolls right off the tongue.