Anonymous ID: 80f7b7 Oct. 2, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.3292638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2642 >>2721

Questioning the Role of Islam in the (Democratic) Protection of Abuses of Women


If freedom of speech were to suddenly

become wholly forfeited,

(thus rendering one deprived of it)

what truths might one be unable to speak?


Q has mentioned very little

in the way of religion; with odd

mention of affiliations to the MB.


It is clear to me that Islam:

whether merely a controlled vehicle for global instability

(or perhaps the very source of it) is a major contributor

to perpetuating a state-of-war.


Islam has essentially waged war for 1400 years

in no doubt owed to its principle division of humanity

into 'believer' vs. 'unbeliever': designations likewise

in no doubt adopted from dark-ages Christianity.


Jihad is mandatory in Islam: non-negotiable

only to the degree it is state-enforced and

only limited to ones own willingness to die

for what they believe in.


"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything"



Really? What if what ones believes is UNTRUE?


What if what one believes is patently INSANE?


What if one believes that by fighting/dying

in the so-called "cause of Allah" they will inherit

dozens of virgins in heaven?


What if the Qur'an is NOT the perfect word of any god,

but is a product wholly of man? What if the Qur'an is

a forged collection of (mainly apocryphal Christian

strophic hymns) multiple faith/belief systems; a sort of

cocktail and/or medley of sorts.


What if this PROVABLE?

(it is)


What if the foundations of Islam:

-That the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word of god (Allah).

-That Muhammad was receiving the contents of the Qur'an through an angel (Jabriel) only he could interact with?

-That Islam (Allah) is a depraved machination of Muhammad's own psyche?


What kind of person was Muhammad?

What did he claim of himself?

What kind of life did he live?

How did he become powerful?

What was is general view of women?

How did he treat women?


Why is Muhammad "protected" by Islam - to such an extent as to inflict pain/suffering (bloodshed) against anyone that calls ANY part of his claims, teachings, sayings, actions, behaviors etc. into even mild scrutiny?


What is idol worship?

What is a testimony?

What is the shahada?

Is the shahada a false testimony?

What prominent politicians have taken the shahada?

Justin Trudeau? Keith Ellison? John McCain? Huma Abedin?

Who is Barack Obama?


What % of shares in FB, Google, Twitter, MSM etc. is owned by "followers" of Islam?

What group(s) are being censored through these mediums?

Why does the OIC/UN consistently attempt to outlaw criticisms of Muhammad and/or Islam?

Why are public education systems giving children homework assignments explaining to their parents why they wish to join Islam?

What are all individuals who criticize Islam labeled 'bigot', 'racist', 'Islamophobe' etc.?


What is 'Islamophobia'?

Irrational fear of Islam?

Irrational fear of (criticisms of) Islam?

What is 'psychological projection'?


What is a 'religion'?

At what point does a 'religion' become 'political institution'?

What is Islam?

What is globalism?

What is the goal of Islam?

What is the goal of globalism?

Where does fascism really come from?


Who (really) was Adolph Hitler?


Why do Democrats protect abusers of women on their side

while simultaneously falsely accusing Republicans

via weaponizing politics?


How is all of this connected to Islam?

What do followers of Islam forcibly silence?

What is fascism?

What is idol worship?

What is insanity?

Why is Q so silent on this subject?

For the better? For the worse?

Is this connected to saving Israel for last?


It does appear to me that

Islam is pure insanity.


It is 100% backwards:

good is evil and

evil is good.


rather than



"Followers" of Islam imbue (and thus treat)

the Qur'an as having the highest authority

including over that of non-Muslim 'infidel' nations.

"Follower" thus systematically penetrate,

undermine, control and subsequently weaponize

people/institutions and utilize them to destroy

non-Muslim states from within.


As such Islam is, by its own inherent nature,

a hostile foreign entity perpetually at war/conflict

with the free (unbelieving) world, who categorically reject

the claims made by Islam as an ideological entity:

religious and/or otherwise.


What is 'peace'?

What is 'Islam'?

What does Islam claim to be?

What is Islam really?


The answer, I say, is in its history:

1400 years of perpetual war.


'Peace' must necessarily be

the absence of (any need or cause of) war.