Anonymous ID: 8d08b1 Oct. 2, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.3292502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2513 >>2546 >>2890

>>3292138 (lb)


Nice post anon. I'm clocking in close to a year here, more or less, and it's the same old moo joo jamboree almost every day.


I'm convinced these gutter-crawlers fall into one of three groups.


The first are paid trolls or agent provocateurs working on behalf of an 'intelligence' agency. The paid trolls get a paycheck issued by Shareblue/Media Matters etc. To me, they're actually the most pathetic and worthy of compassion and prayer, for they're willing to sell their souls to lucifer all while having to suck Brock's dick and take Soros up the ass. It's an ugly affair.

The second group is comprised of the covert crew sent by the likes of Brennan and other shitstains of humanity to sow discord. Though counter-intuitive I'm sure even Mossad throws a few pebbles in the stream. Brennan's a true believer, and like Goebbels will fight to the death from the bunker. Brennan's too busy trying to figure the direction of Mecca, and with his face buried in his prayer rug, to realize he's operating on borrowed time. The only question left is whether it will be cyanide, a self-inflicted wound or the rope, though I doubt a hanging because he's too big a pussy to let justice be served.


Lastly, and by far the smallest group, is the 'true believers.' This group consists of the utter trash of humanity with so little a sense of self-worth they look for a strawman to vilify in a vain attempt to feel good about themselves. These happy merchants of bigotry come from all walks of life. Some landed here as refugees when their former home, Stormfront, was shuttered as a nuisance property. Some have never left the confines of their parent's basements. Beastiality is a common attribute with this crowd, predominantly male, as every female they encounter is immediately repulsed upon meeting them. To compensate they compulsively masterbate, but in this case it's too images of violence and cruelty. World War II imagery is a big draw with this crowd.

A subset of this last group, the smallest set of all, are those who are still trying to research theories about Judaism for the purpose of learning. One cannot fault this group for trying to ascertain what's fact from fiction, for having spent as little as a week here they've been exposed to hundreds of claims, the vast majority of which have as much to do with reality as the fake news has to do with reporting the news.