Anonymous ID: 7222ea Oct. 2, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.3293764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3809


Dont let them scare you from the truth. Some of the secrets of the NWO lie at the heart of Jewdom and the talmud and the 9/10 of Jews being genetically Turks from Khazaria and in no part Jews. Jews have a lot of fuckery to answer for and if there is a tiny amount of them worth saving it still is not worth the mental gymnastics the Jew wants to put you through when you get near to calling them out. Fuckem. Let them explain themselves when the arresting time is upon us.


We got DNA now and we have the NSA and we will go into the vatican library and we will get access to any of the super Jews secret files. We can get to the bottom of this shit.


What are the Jews and what are their plans for us. We will make it public knowledge soon. But we are going to stagger the information so as to not just final solution all of them in haste. We will punish only the guilty. But we have ways now to KNOW exactly who is guilty of what.


It a new day a new dawn and the end of the road for some real bad fucks.