his anonsuit cannot hide his actions…
i am forced to bite down on my tongue in nearly conversation off this board.
watching any MSM news has long been nearly impossible for me, so no tv for me.
hard to believe people watch broadcast anything, where there is no back and forth discussion.
this is the new news format, right here, IMO.
be glad that there is Q, anon!
pumpkingirl seems to make anons happy
he needs to win it, then do a very public rejection.
took me a while to find her pics, but she has great smile, great eyes and nice pumpkins
part of the initiation to Hilldawgs coven?
how does that play out with BHO's repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act?
hypocrisy is a goodly portion of the cogdiss the sleepers are afflicted with.
so glad for the internet.
old radio, newspapers and TV news allowed cabal so much control of things.