Anonymous ID: 1435d2 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3294669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4709

My wife and I are Christian Methodists.

About 25 years ago, a (female) Jewish friend of my wife's got

engaged to a non-Jewish guy we knew, and he seemed quite

sensible and very much in love. The lady had told him that she

wanted a Jewish wedding. After they got engaged, the local Rabbi

said that he needed to talk to the guy. The "talk" went on every week

for 6 months. The Rabbi seemed to be brainwashing him. He told the

guy ( 28 years old ) that he would have to convert to the Jewish faith

and would have to be circumcised before the wedding. The guy really

loved the lady, so he agreed. (Ouch!). We went to the wedding which

was interesting for us. About 6 months after the wedding, they invited

us round for a meal. It all went well and then the conversation turned

to his conversion to the Jewish Faith. During his explanation of why

he had converted, he said: "Well, the Jews are God's Chosen

People". My wife looked at me with a stern look that said "Don't Say

Anything". So I didn't say anything for the rest of the meal !

BUT I have NEVER forgotten it. Jews REALLY do believe they are

superior to everybody else on the planet. They have TOTAL delusions

about their superiority. No wonder they ANNOY people.