Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.3294286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521




This shit is such a fucking circus act. It really blows my mind at how obvious it is. It seems like everyone that isnt a mindless communist notices how fucking ridiculous this is.


Which.. Ya know how Q said 90% would be hospitalized? I think this was about more than people being unable to handle the truth.. Have you lads seen the shitposty femin virus theory that gets posted on /pol/? I think thats a little closer to the truth. What I think is that these people have spent so much time developing a world view that is entirely out of line with reality that they have locked themselves inside a mental prison of sorts from which they can not see any perception outside of the one they invented.

Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 7:54 a.m. No.3294419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good question. Or, is there something else that congress has scheduled for after kavanaugh? And then, there is also the fact that kavanaugh will amount to the ussc vote needed to undo a lot of communist achievements. And there is one thing that communists and (((they))) always do, and that is when the tide starts going against them they always double, triple and quadruple down. I think the reason for this is that they realize that once there is an effective backlash against what they have accomplished that their ability to subvert will be undone for a very long time.

Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.3294558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hate this shit. A lot of what they conclude isnt far from the truth but then they go off into total retardation. It can absolutely be said that in an abstract way we are ultimately cogs inside a universal machine. But that that renders everything meaningless does not follow at all.

Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.3294606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4643


Combat veteran here.. Nah its a bit different. Although it certainly makes ptsd worse. I find that thinking of people as npc or "sleep walking" makes it a bit easier to deal with them. It really is like walking around in a dream where you are the only one that is awake.

Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.3294633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3294577 (checked)

>>3294533 (checked)


They are going to get so blown the fuck out in november that I would not be shocked if they start with the bolshevist terrorism. Not just a little blown out.. They are going to lose a comical amount of seats.

Anonymous ID: 427a54 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:24 a.m. No.3294718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh yea.. I've been at this since before I got out of the military. Saw a couple of things on deployment that made me question everything. I was a combat medic, as far as nbc suits go.. I went through CBRNE training. If there is an actual serious chemical attack they are only designed to allow you to fight for 8 more hours. So, with that in mind, sheltering in place is not really an option unless you have a real good bunker set up with positive air pressure. So, really, an nbc suit is really just for getting the fuck away from the area, which if you dont have similarly protected containers anything you take with you that isnt inside your suit with you will be contaminated