Anonymous ID: 5295dc Oct. 2, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.3294677   🗄️.is 🔗kun




When you see this kike copypasta this shit in every bread, you can safely assume it's an Israeli first Zionist useful idiot or a Tel Aviv shill sweatshop that's overworked & has no time to alter his script between shillshitposts.

Either way Q came to /pol & then here when he realized the Eternal Jew had comped half chinz's /pol

We name (((IT))) & have been doing so before the influx of


became the latest target of the jews trying to deflect new eyes from the JQ & our years of exposing them.

When you see the "muhjoo"" descriptor in any post, you can either filter (((IT))) or leave it for pattern recognition, most Autists & Oldfag Anons have learned (((Their))) ways & see them instantly.

Pic related Anon is lit AF Anon.