>>3293770 Clockfag narrates in detail recent examples of how the Q clock works (#4172 Notables)
Anons, I thought this was great for helping newfags understand the basics of the clock and have posted it elsewhere to aid understanding to normies and newfags alike.
I did, however, add one explanatory note that I felt would greatly help.
I'll post the text in full below with my note.
Okay Anons I want to try to make some of something that has been happening the last couple of days.
It involves the Q clock and i’m going to try to articulate this as best as I can..
So yes the Clock looks confusing.
So let us break it down to KEY pieces to be able to read the clock.
First things first.
Do you see just outside of the hour numbers, the small digits with [:00:] - [:60:]
This is a key part of the clock.
So to make sense of where to establish where we are - let us start comparing the DELTAS
(these are the minute time markers and the difference in minutes between posts, both Trump's and Q's).
There is a Trump tweet, yesterday mentioning the key words “ Stay Tuned and Watch!”
Time of that EST was 14:56.
There is a Q post, yesterday mentioning the key words “Stay Tuned and Watch!”
Time of that EST was 15:53.
That is :57: minutes on the clock. Remember the [:00:]-[:60:]?
We we’re at [:57:] yesterday
So what does this mean?
Well if you “THINK MIRROR” as Q says, then look at the mirrored number from :57:
It equals :27:
There is a Q post with a FLAG.
Also 09/30 was the date yesterday.
This also lines up with :57:
Now, what happened yesterday?
Packers use a weird flag in their football game intro.
What was that related to? Anons dug that yesterday… Interesting stuff.
Notice also, on the dates lined up :57: It mentions Learn to read the map.
What is the MAP?
So let us continue.
We will go forward to today.
Of course in the [:00:] - [:60:] we would be [:58:]. I am just trying to make this as simple as possible, all of the lines and what not, once you get better at reading them you will see, truly it is not hard once the anons before us figured it out :).
OKAY! So now
The date is 10/01.
What did Q post today? Well he had one where he directed to a twitter post, with a photo.
Q post was at 11:28 according to my device - the hour at this point in time for this type of reading does not really matter for what I am trying to explain so lets not get too concerned over the hour right now.
So we have :28: minute marker!
Again, we need to THINK MIRROR.
What does that line up with? [:58:]
Well if you go over to the Twitter picture - the time EST conversion is at 10:01! Todays date 10/01 and also [:58:] lining up with 10/01!
What do we have for :58: on the Q clock if we rewind to Q POST?
Well on the dates Nov 5th, which is the immediate THINK MIRROR’d date from :58:.
Let me unpack this again.
Today - [:58:]
MIRROR- [:28:]
Date lined up with :28: = Nov 5 = mentions Las vegas.
What can we line up with 58 and Las Vegas?
58 Deaths in the shooting.
Vegas Knights have 58 stars in the Banner.
There is more - we must learn how to read deeper.
I hope this reaches some of you.