Anonymous ID: a8e0de Oct. 2, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.3294272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4381


I'm hoping he gets arrested and has to leave the Senate

>>3293557 pb


Work was Supposedly 4ch?

good work anon!

Makes a lot of sense.

The clowns were tempted by her story.

They are blinded by their own arrogance

Anonymous ID: a8e0de Oct. 2, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.3294368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe there are tricks to getting it faster.

For instance, McConnell can adjourn the Senate if for 4 days they can't agree on a time for a recess.

Anonymous ID: a8e0de Oct. 2, 2018, 8:04 a.m. No.3294521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Could be.

People can melt down when you communicate certain info. I've seen it.

They have a physical reaction: PANIC

Panic is contagious and can be violent.

Think Paranoia - they believe wrongly they are being attacked ' so they attack

We're looking at mass delusion

Anonymous ID: a8e0de Oct. 2, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.3294597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4663


Has better news than CNN or any other Mainstream source.

Anons are still taken in by fake news

cf "Demon Asteroid"

they just don't realize which sites they are.

You catch a news org in a lie.

But as long as it's mainstream you will continure to use that liar as a source; unless it's an alt site.

Then will hear the chime in "Debunked" when it really hasn't been.