ty baker
doubt the bitch is even jewish, also stop thinking with your dick you weak faggot
his goy slave
and im okay with that kek
if she isnt forced and is doing it because she likes it, then what?
more than one ET
they already have a shitload of slaves off planet
they want to enslave this planet and use us like food like a giant farm
little dick durbin
how can these 'lawyers' believe so much hear say?
her allegations might be fake and gay but atleast she is hot
i saw a clip from her interview yesterday, she didnt look bad, compared to ford the bitch is a goddess lel
happily, also if that can suffocate you, you have low test kmao
liking something =/= addiction faggot, go sit with your buddies on the democratic committee plz
yea i never realized how massive the bitches forehead was kek
ah ive been choked unconcious before, youd wake up. and if not, certainly not the worst way to go kek
belief that bluebeam is the only thing to space is a fallacy, as in you believe there is only 1 faction on earth and you frame your belief around that, also fuck off you flat earth retard
physics is wrong
if you throw atoms in one direction, it causes momentum in the opposite direction, in a vacuum