Anonymous ID: fc550f Oct. 2, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.3294356   🗄️.is 🔗kun





  1. using or characterized by irony.

"his mouth curved into an ironic smile"

synonyms: sarcastic, sardonic, cynical, mocking, satirical, caustic, wry

"Edward's tone was ironic"


o happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.

"it was ironic that now that everybody had plenty of money for food, they couldn't obtain it because everything was rationed"

synonyms: paradoxical, incongruous

"it's ironic that a former illiterate is now a successful writer"


What an interesting word if you think about it.


It has great meaning today and throughout recent history. Just look at the last say 60-70 years.


Back in the 50’s and 60’s the Democratic party was the cornerstone of politics and was for the people, the working man and woman. The BLUE COLLAR DEMOCRATS.


During the 60’s while the Democrats were in power a faction of people didn’t like what the Democrats were doing with the war, race, various rights, the environment and other made up issues SO they protested and did it violently in the big cities all over the country.


Riots, destruction of cities ran rampant and were in the news every day. Good old Walter bringing into homes every night.


These same people doing the rioting back in the 60’s then head into government.


They over take the Democratic party in the late 80’s and run it for their own interest over time slowly turning it into their collective dream a socialistic organization which they use government and the resources generated from revenues collected for the fulfillment of their collective ideas, wants and desires while getting very rich over time.


Now here we are today these people are about to finally have their day of reckoning.


Dark to Light, Untruth to Truth, Fiction to Fact.


These people are about to find out what the rule of law really is, and nothing can save them from their fate, not even their paid lemmings stooges who are protesting everything under the sun for little dramatic effect.


The people have seen through the looking glass and don’t like what they have seen.


How ironic that history repeats itself.