Anonymous ID: 5a2ae3 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:28 a.m. No.3294758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4769 >>4938 >>5166

Trump Tweet 1: 09:52:52 - 10:02:03 - Trump Tweet 2

So lets do some math

we know minutes and seconds are important, so lets just stick to that for now.






Is there something there?

Could be.

Let's do just do the single minutes.






:59: on the clock


Last two days :58: and :57:


Can we go deeper? I need a haircut so I will be AFK

Heres clockinfo, PS thank you anon for the PDF that is great - I'm glad the post is helping others!!!!!!!

still learning myself everday kek!!!


Anonymous ID: 5a2ae3 Oct. 2, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3294788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795 >>4900 >>5029


also give this a try

two trump tweets

X10 min delta

2 tweets x 10 min



whatever the first DJT tweet time stamp for EST is, minus 20 minutes from it, go back to the Q research board at THAT NEW TIME that you have, and see if there are any posters with (5) with memes and suddle hints.. it could be slide but worked for the OIG report

Anonymous ID: 5a2ae3 Oct. 2, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3295400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413



Julies father is Martin Stewnick who worked at NASA and also on the Manhattan Project.


He is connected to Bronfman Family and Peter Munk through the Canadian Jewish Association and they are also complicit in Uranium 1 and that is why the two Billionaires were killed via Quaaludes because they had ties to U1 - before they could blow the lid they were shut up - and we see Peter Munk got nonamed as we see.


So now we have Julie Stewnick bringing forth into the normiesphere the gang rapes and drug abuse yada yada and now it either seems to be going in two directions.


1)Kavanaugh is good


2) Kavanaugh is bad.


So lets start with the Good theory - POTUS seems to back him up, the allegations thus far have been retarded and it seems Kavanaugh archives his calenders.


So now Kavanaugh is bad theory - the allegations seem pretty odd, so this theory doesn't have much credence so review things Trump said today in the media press conf.


1)If I hired a female I would say the same…….


2)Kavanaugh could be good or bad - I have yet to hear the statement


3)Woman are better then men but we are yet to learn that - now he has said that in the past too, I can't remember when but he has.


So that brings in Amy Barrett - another runner up.


Could this mean now a third option, regardless of Kavanaugh being good or bad but rather Kavanaugh is taking all the slings and arrows - changing and prepping normie view with the gang rape, drug abuse etc, meanwhile Kavaugh will go somewhere else in the Law world in innocence, or he will succumb to his past guilty it makes no difference because Amy will magically appear in the SC seat, without taking ANY damage at all, and is on /ourteam/


We know in Q post 1287 he says "Not confirming SC is on /team/."


Again, what to think of Kavanaugh?


But what to think about Grassley?


The Q clock today as we seen confirms Grassley both mirrored dates, 27/9 with the security upgrade, almost a full 1 year Q proof.


How do you legally introduce evidence?


A movie?


Putting that aside, these allegations nonetheless bring into question the following:




2)War on Terror


2a) Uranium 1


b)Billionaire Murders






e)The SC seat


f)The HAMMER from SC?




and what do these line up with?


The Early Q Posts.


Start the clock.

Anonymous ID: 5a2ae3 Oct. 2, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3295413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Julie Stewnick - Brett Kavanaugh - Amy Barrett - Martin Stewnick - Canadian Jew Association - Peter Munk - Barry and Honey Sherman - Trudeau - Bronfman Family - Uranium 1 - Kavanugh Accuser Mentions Rape Parties - Underage - Grassley - Q POST GRASSLEY - HOW DO YOU LEGALLY INTRODUCE