Anonymous ID: 66ebfd Oct. 2, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3294978   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never vote in off year elections this year I am making my wife and me vote and telling all our friends. Not the real left wing types. If I think they are beyond help I let them pass. Better they stay home that day thinking a blue wave is coming. But anyone close to my way of thinking I am pushing to vote hard.

Anonymous ID: 66ebfd Oct. 2, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.3295010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5031


This is beyond funny and makes me think the rumor that super religious jews can only fuck their wives through a hole cut in a sheet might be true after all. Because that is some ridiculous faggotry right there with the plastic little tent the dipshit was wearing.

Anonymous ID: 66ebfd Oct. 2, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3295124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5237


They Jew fears any people or society that does not worship the faggot. The satanic God of the Jews loves faggotry. They esoterically show you that with the cutting off of a boy Jews foreskin. They can show the homosexuality of the Jewish God with the dick sucking. They can show the blood drinking vampiric nature of the Jewish God by the blood drinking on the baby penis. They can show the cannibalistic nature of the Jew God by there feeding the newly cut foreskin off to a be fought over by a pack of lunic Jewesses that have not had the joy of having a Jewish boy son.


They can pack so much information into one perverted act as cutting off the foreskin of their baby boy Jews.


These people are worshiping a different God entirely than that of Jesus. And he tells you as much in the Bible. Your father is a liar and has always been. The Pharrasses and the Sadducean are Satanic and have been the whole time. They benefited off the Jewish revolt that provoked the harsh Roman backlash that smashed their armies and got them pogrommed and scattered to the four corners of the Roman World.


I would not doubt the Satanic Jews pushed the whole Jewish revolt. Knowing the whole time it would fail in a horrible way. Probably moved their Satanic Jew families into Iraq and Syria beforehand and their men folk stayed behind stirring up the Jews to revolt and when it kicked off I dont doubt these "rabbis" rolled out just before the Romans got there and while the Jews were getting their weapons ready to defend against the Romans.


The Satanic Jews will not hesitate to sacrifice the Jews to get ahead and to make a point.


After this trick their were few real Jews left. And the Satanist were very close to taking over the whole Jew religion. Clever people. Very clever.