Congrats, anon. And never again miss an election. If we, the people, neglect to vote we only have ourselves to blame when evil people take over our government.
"Never again" will have to be a campaign slogan once this mess is sorted.
Congrats, anon. And never again miss an election. If we, the people, neglect to vote we only have ourselves to blame when evil people take over our government.
"Never again" will have to be a campaign slogan once this mess is sorted.
w00t w00t!
Uncanny. Whose sperm was AI'd?
Di Feindstein sounding very subdued talking to reporters…
>ouse of cards falling, perhaps?
Looks like she hasn't slept in days. Something's got to her. She's lost any ability to project confidence - like she knows her lies are about to be exposed.
Gotta get something off my mind, anons, and maybe expand some minds.
I have a coffee grandkid. Daaughter had a relationship with a Ugandan man who turned out to be a total narcissit - controlling, constantly critical and who thought his PhD made him better than anyone else on this planet. Self-righteous doesn't begin to describe him.
But, the child is absolutely gorgeous. Never felt such kinship with other grandkids. Not saying it's because he's mixed race, just telling as it is. Could be many reasons. But got me thinking. We all have a single mother - mitochondrial Eve - whether or not you are evolutionist or creationist. Then as tribes spread out across the globe and adapted to local conditions, genetic differences hardened and became ingrained. But6 when thgey are brougfht back togethyer, as in a mixed race child, thee's something very special that happens. Just my experience…