I have a theory I need some second hand opinions on.
This Reddit coat of arms shows allot of symbolisim but the one that stood out to me was the narwhale. As you all know the narwhale is frequently called the unicorn of the sea. If we expand our thinking here we can postulate that a narwhale could be a stand in for a Unicorn. Unicorns in heraldry are considered to refer to Scottland which is ruled by the crown.
Narwhales are used regularly in Canadian and Inuit heraldry though the latter is usually a collaboration with Canada. Now remember Canada is under crown law as well. In this example of heraldry the narwhals are used as a guard for the compass rose which refers to the magnetic north pole [according to wiki].
So lets take a step back and review:
>narwhals are unicorns
>narwhals are used as symbols that represent "guarding" something
>narwhals are used as canadian heraldry
>Unicorns are scottish heraldry
with this in mind look at the coat of arms again is that a just a cresent or is that whale guarding the all seeing eye and Reddits firm grip on upvotes?