clearly, the FBI/CIA/MOS/CIA/MI5/Soros are breaking our threads
this tbqhfamalam
fucking hell, you absolute Degenerate, get that disgusting smut out of here.
narwhals is an plebbit oldfag meme, "when does the narwhal bacon", its LOLSORANDUMXDDDD tier, but i suppose there could be more to it. however my first gut instinct is that it is just an organic internet meme that they have embraced.
good point, maybe bacon is too triggering and UNINCLUSIVE and PROBLEMATIC for their islamic bull masters.
we have ugly people too, who are patriots. that is not an argument. Although, I do not agree with those "protesters". just saying.
Okay, now this is epic.
nominate this link to be featured in every bread under the and links=
just accept it, you are on all of the lists. (((they))) are losing anyway.
hey anonโฆ..
how many people have you talked with IRL about voting? how many people have you convinced to vote Republican this November?
whatchu know bout me faggot, im on all the fucking lists and im above you
ive got a folder chock full of keksy webms from the election anon.